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  • Most women will have at least one, possibly more, episodes of abnormal uterine bleeding, unrelated to pregnancy, during their reproductive years. Most events are isolated and infrequent and menses usually revert to normal within one or two cycles
  • Five to seven percent of all pregnant women in the United States develop preeclampsia.  Between two and 12 percent go on to suffer from HELLP Syndrome. Best estimates are that HELLP Syndrome occurs in one per 150 live births (about one half of one percent), with a maternal mortality rate of 3.50 percent
  • Nerve Impulses travel at over 400 km/hr (25 mi/hr).
  • A sneeze generates a wind of 166 km/hr (100 mi/hr), and a cough moves out at 100 km/hr (60 mi/hr).
  • Our lungs inhale over two million litres of air every day, without even thinking. They are large enough to cover a tennis court.
  • The average person falls asleep in seven minutes.
  • Most dust particles in your house are made from dead skin!
  • When you sneeze, all your bodily functions stop - even your heart.
  • Psoriasis is a noncontagious, chronic (life-long) skin disease. The condition is caused by skin cells maturing in 3 to 4 days, instead of the usual 28 to 30 days. It is characterized by reddening of the skin, lesions and white plaques. A person with psoriasis may have only a few lesions, or may have widespread lesions across most of the body
    • It is estimated that only 5 - 20% of women treated for breast cancer opt for reconstructive surgery.

    • Only 20% of the two million with breast implants were cancer patients.
  • In this study, Dr. Lewis Kuller reviewed the medical records of 326 individuals who had received medical examinations within the six month period before they died from a sudden heart attack. Eighty-six of the 326 examinations were done within the seven day period prior to death from heart attack. Not a single one of the 326 heart attacks had been predicted by the physicians.
    • Leading Cause of Deathin the United States. One person dies  every 30 seconds from heart disease,that's over 2,600 people every single day!

    On average boys are 0.3 kg heavier and girls 0.3 kg lighter than the ideal weight score.

    Variations from the ideal weight score for the first two months may be smaller.

    For children between 50 – 60 months the difference may be up to 0.4 – 0.5 kg.

    Olive Oil’s Anti-Cancer Ingredient: Oleic Acid

    • Experts at Northwestern University have pinpointed why eating a Mediterranean diet rich in olive oil can help prevent breast cancer. The answer? Oleic acid.
    • Oleic acid appears to blocks the action of a tumor “builder” called HER-2/neu, which is found in about 30 percent of breast cancer patients. Breast cancer patients with HER-2/neu positive tumors suffer from an aggressive form of the disease and generally have a poor prognosis.
    • "We have something now that is able to explain why the Mediterranean diet is so healthy," yeeh glad to be from that part of the world 
      In the study, the oleic acid not only suppressed the action of the HER-2/neu, it also improved the effectiveness of the breast cancer drug Herceptin.
    • More than one million cases of breast cancer are diagnosed worldwide each year. In 1998, the disease caused 1.6 percent of all female deaths, according to the International Agency for Research on Cancer in Lyon, France

    Thyroid facts

    • Thyroid cancer is the most common endocrine cancer. Thyroid cancer is a cancerous tumor or growth located within the thyroid gland.
    • Thyroid cancer is one of the few cancers that has increased in incidence rates over the past several years. Its incidence has increased by about 3% per 100,000 people per year.
    • The American Cancer Society estimates that there will be about 25,690 new cases of thyroid cancer in the U.S. in 2005. Of these new cases, about 19,190 will occur in women and about 6,500 will occur in men. About 1,490 people (860 women and 630 men) will die of thyroid cancer in 2005.
    • Many patients, especially in the early stages of thyroid cancer, do not experience symptoms. However, as the cancer develops, symptoms can include a lump or nodule in the front of the neck, hoarseness or difficulty speaking, swollen lymph nodes, difficulty swallowing or breathing, and pain in the throat or neck.
    • There are several types of thyroid cancer: papillary, follicular, medullary, anaplastic, and variants.


    Cancer Facts :

    More than 1.2 million Americans develop cancer each year. A new cancer is diagnosed every 30 seconds in the United States. Since 1990, nearly 15 million new cancer cases have been diagnosed. These estimates do not include carcinoma in situ (non-invasive cancer) of any site except urinary bladder, and do not include the basal and squamous cell skin cancers.

    Lung and prostate cancer are the top cancer killers for men in the United States. Lung and breast cancer are the top cancer killers for women in the United States. One in two men in the U.S. will be diagnosed with cancer at some time during his lifetime. One in three women in the US will be diagnosed with cancer at some time during her lifetime.

    Cancer is the second leading cause of death after heart disease in the United States. It is the primary cause of death in women between the ages of 35 and 74. About 8,000 American children will be diagnosed with cancer this year. Cancer is the chief cause of death in children between the ages of 1 and 14.

    If current trends continue, cancer is expected to be the leading cause of death in the United States by the year 2010. One in five persons in the US will die from cancer. Every three minutes, two people in the US die from cancer.

    Death rates from all cancers combined have been decreasing since the early 1990s. Death rates decreased for 11 of the top 15 cancers in men, and eight of the top 15 cancers in women. Lung cancer deaths rates among women leveled off for the first time between 1995 and 2001, after continuously increasing for many decades.


    Did you know that the number of twin births have more than doubled since the early 1970s? Today, about one of every 35 births in the United States are twins. Even more significant is the number of triplet and higher multiple births which have increased 200 percent over the last three decades

    Did you know that up to 22 percent of twins are left-handed? In the non-twin population the number is just under 10 percent.The United States has one of the highest rates of multiples, while Japan has one of the lowest with multiple births occurring one in 120 births.

    Twins are either fraternal or identical. Fraternal twins share the same womb, but come from different ovum. They are as alike as any pair of siblings. On the other hand, identical twins come from the same fertilized ovum and consequently share the same genetic makeup.

    Incredible fact: According to the Guinness Book of Records, Leontina Albina, from the country of Chile, gave birth to the last of her 55 children in 1981. Her offspring included five sets of triplets (all boys).











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    Web Master : Danil Hammoudi.MD


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