


Sinoe Medical Association





Hematoxylin and Eosin:

Blue : Nucleic acid (DNA, messenger RNA, ribosomes, transfer RNA), bacteria, calcium
...Pink : Protein (arginine and lysine)

Periodic acid - Schiff (PAS):

Magenta : Basement membrane, glycogen, mucin, fungus, cartilage, alpha-1PI

Diastase PAS (dPAS):

Magenta : Basement membrane, mucin, fungus, cartilage, alpha-1PI; NOT glycogen

Congo red :

Brick red with apple green birefringence : All amyloids


Green or blue : Collagen


Black : Reticulin fibers

Alcian blue:

Blue : Acid mucopolysaccharide, acid ground substance


Purple-pink : Epithelial mucin

Elastic (Verhoeff, van G.):

Black : Elastic tissue


Black : Melanin

Hydrogen peroxide:

Bleached : Melanin

Acid-fast ZN

Red : Mycobacteria, nocardia, lead inclusions, ceroid

Prussian blue:

Blue : Hemosiderin

Rubeanic acid / rhodanine:

Coppery : Copper


Black : Fungi, bacteria, pneumocystis, argentaffin/argyrophil (depends on the recipe)

Luxol fast blue:

Blue : Phospholipid (i.e., myelin)

Oil Red O:

Red : Lipid phase, fat, exogenous oils


Alpha-1 antitrypsin (alpha-1AT = alpha-1PI):

Macrophages and their tumors

Alpha-1 antichymotrypsin (à1CT):

Macrophages and their tumors

Carcinoembryonic antigen:


CD1 (T6):

Dendritic macrophages ("Langerhans histiocytes") and their tumors (i.e., "histiocytosis X")

Cytokeratin (keratin):

Almost all epithelial cells and their tumors (adenomas, papillomas, carcinomas); myoepithelial cells and their tumors; meningiomas; embryonal cell carcinomas; mesotheliomas


Smooth, skeletal, and cardiac muscle cells and their tumors

Epithelial membrane antigen (EMA):

Exocrine glands, exocrine adenocarcinomas; renal cell carcinomas; other things

Factor VIII:

Endothelial cells and their tumors

Glial fibrillary acid protein:

Glial cells and their tumors; a few others


Malignant melanomas

Leukocyte common antigen (LCA):

Lymphocytes and malignant lymphomas, other white cells and some leukemias

Neurofilament protein:

Neurons; neuroblastomas; neuroectodermal cells and their tumors

Neuron specific enolase (NSE):

Neurons; neuroblastomas; neuroectodermal cells and their tumors


Skeletal and cardiac muscle cells and their tumors

OC125 (CA125):

Serous tumors of the ovary


Glial cells, Schwann cells, Langerhans histiocytes, Schwann cells, melanocytes, chondrocytes, reticulum cells of lymphoid tissue, myoepithelium, salivary gland cells, sweat gland cells, and most tumors derived from any of these.

Ulex lectin:

Endothelial cells and their tumors


Most mesenchymal cells and most of their tumors, many other tumors





Cellular adaptation





Induction of endoplasmic reticulum



More endoplasmic reticulum development in response to a drug administration.

Detoxification cell action. Protection cell action.


Ex: repeated administration of barbiturate, the liver will develop more endoplasmic reticulum.





Shrinkage of a cell by loss of cell substance.

Decrease in the size of an organ due to decrease in the cells size.


  • Decreased work load
  • Loss of innervation
  • Diminished blood supply
  • Inadequate nutrition
  • Loss of endocrine stimulation


Exemples: Decrease size of ovaries or testes with old age.



·        Decrease in size

·        Autophagic vacuoles

·        Residual bodies [sequestration of cell organelle due to focal injury within the cells]

·        Lipofuscin granules [wear and tear pigment]



Myocardial Cell Hypertrophy


Increase cells size, with increase size of an organ.

New cells are not formed. Cellular proliferation is controlled.


Ex: body buider muscles.

       Increased size of myocardial fiber mucles in response to peripheral  pressure in response to elevated blood pressure.





Increased number of cells and increased mitotic activity.

Increased size and volume of an organ.

Can be physiologic or pathologic  [change endocrine stimulation]

Ex: physiologic : breat during puberty, pregnancy, lactation.


 Pathologic : endometrial hyperplasia

                      Thyroid hyperplasia

                       Adrenal hyperplasia



Hypoplasia, Aplasia, Agenesis



Failure for an organ to ritch maturity.

Hypoplasia : small size

Aplasia and agenesis: total failure to an organ to develop.





Any abnormal growth.

Congenital defects [dysplastic] kidneys.

Cytologic abnormalities precursors of malignant neoplastic changes.


Include:    *Architectural changes

                  *Pleomorphism [multiplicity of shapes and sizes].

                  *frequent mitoses.

                   *large, hyperchromatic nuclei.



breast metaplasia


Replacement of a cell and tissue from one type and function  by another cell and tissue of a different type and function as a result usually of a chronic irritation.


Ex: the change from normal pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium in the tracheobronchial tree to stratified squamous epithelium in the habitual cigarette smoker.


Intestinal Metaplasia of the stomach