Destruction of neurons in the cerebral cortex of the brain is characteristic of:

a)      a)      Alzheimer’s disease.

b)      b)      Parkinson’s disease.

c)      c)      multiple sclerosis.

d)      d)      neurofibromatosis.

e)     e)      meningioma


Patients with Parkinson’s disease would be LEAST LIKELY to suffer from:

a)      a)      lack of facial expression.

b)      b)      “pill-rolling” tremors of the fingers while at rest.

c)      c)      loss of pigmented motor neurons in the substantia nigra.

d)      d)      loss of memory and cognitive functions.

e)      e)      postural instability and rigidity.


.  Which statement concerning multiple sclerosis (MS) is FALSE?

a)      a)      MS is a neurodegenerative disease.

b)      b)      Symptoms of MS are caused by the destruction of myelin in the white matter.

c)      c)      MS is characterized by relapses and remissions.

d)      d)      MS most often affects young adults (20 to 40 years old).

e)      e)      The course of MS is variable and unpredictable.


.  Which type of stroke can be treated effectively with drugs that dissolve clots?

a)      a)      A stroke resulting from a primary hypertensive hemorrhage

b)      b)      A stroke due to congenital malformation of the blood vessels in the brain

c)      c)      A non-hemorrhagic stroke caused by advanced atherosclerosis

d)      d)      A stroke due to a berry aneurysm


.  Which of the following statements concerning brain tumors is FALSE?

a)      a)      A large percentage of brain tumors are metastatic from other organs.

b)      b)      Primary brain tumors almost never metastasize to other organs.

c)      c)      Even benign brain tumors can kill a patient, depending on their location and size.

d)      d)      Most primary brain tumors arise from neurons.


.  Which of the following is a relatively common, very deadly primary brain tumor that occurs most frequently in adults?

a)      a)      Multiple myeloma

b)      b)      Meningioma

c)      c)      Neurofibroma

d)      d)      Medulloblastoma

e)      e)      Glioblastoma multiformae


.  Inflammation caused by a bacterial infection of the subarachnoid space is best classified as:

a)      a)      arachnoiditis.

b)      b)      encephalitis.

c)      c)      meningitis.

d)      d)      neuritis.

e)      e)      meningioma.


.  Which of the following statements concerning herpes encephalitis is TRUE?

a)      a)      The infection usually reaches the brain by traveling along peripheral nerves.

b)      b)      The infection is caused by a bite from a rabid animal.

c)      c)      Herpes encephalitis is a mild, self-limited disease that almost never causes long-term deficits.

d)      d)      Infection is due to the Streptococcus herpe bacterium.


.  Subdural hematomas:

a)      a)      often occur in the elderly and alcoholics.

b)      b)      are usually caused by an embolus derived from an atherosclerotic carotid artery.

c)      c)      develop very rapidly (within hours).

d)      d)      often occur in children as a result of head trauma.

e)      e)      are not a cause for concern, since they seldom produce symptoms.



49-51.  Make the most appropriate match.  DO NOT USE LETTERS MORE THAN ONCE.


49.  Lewy bodies                                                   a)  Neurofibromatosis

50.  Café au lait spots                         b)  Alzheimer’s disease

51.  Neurofibrillary tangles                                      c)  Multiple sclerosis

d)  Parkinson’s disease

e)  Medulloblastoma



Condyloma acuminata:

a)      a)      usually occur as multiple, cauliflower-like lesions.

b)      b)      occur only in the vagina.

c)      c)      are caused by herpes simplex virus.

d)      d)      are caused by Candida albicans.

e)      e)      are malignant tumors of the vulva.


Lou Gehrig's Disease is more properly known as:
A. Paget's Disease
B. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
C. Alzheimer's Disease
D. Muscular Dystrophy

2. Athetoid Cerebral Palsy is primarily characterized by which of the following?
A. Gait instabilities
B. Spasticity
C. Hyporelexia of deep tendon reflexes
D. Worm-like movements

3. A cerebral stroke often results from a thrombis, embolism, aneurysm, or tumor and can result in significant neurological deficits. A less severe "mini-stroke", often a precursor to a full fledged stroke, is referred to as a/an:
A. cerebrovascular accident (CVA)
B. intracranial hypoxic attack (IHA)
C. transient ischemic attack (TIA)
D. cerebral ischemic syncope (CIS)

4. A neural tube defect that results in a protrusion of the meninges without involvement of the spinal cord or spinal nerves is termed:
A. Spina Bifida Meningocele
B. Spina Bifida Meningomyelocele
C. Spina Bifida Occulta
D. Spina Bifida Hydrocele

5. An abnormal patch of hair in the lowback commonly seen with Spina Bifida is called:
A. Cafe' au lait Beard
B. Faun's Beard
C. Paget's Beard
D. Gravis' Beard

6. 90% of intervertebral disk herniations occur between:
A. L4-L5 and L5-S1
B. L2-L3
C. C5-C6
D. C6-C7

7. An abnormal reaction of the nervous system is response to trauma characterized by disproportionate pain, increased hair/nail growth, loss of function, and chronic swelling is referred to as:
A. neurogenic syncope
B. reflex parasympathetic dystrophy syndrome
C. myasthenia gravis
D. reflex sympathetic dystrophy syndrome

8. Babinski's sign, a possible indicator of an upper motor neuron lesion, is an abnormal response to which of the following tests?
A. Deep tendon reflex test
B. Plantar reflex test
C. Abdominal reflex test
D. Pupillary reflex test

9. A disk herniation that involves the C5 spinal nerve will most likely have which of the following effects?
A. a decreased biceps tendon reflex
B. a decreased triceps tendon reflex
C. an increased brachioradialis tendon reflex
D. an increased biceps tendon reflex

10. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, a disease affecting upper and lower motor neurons, would most likely involve which of the following spinal cord tracts?
A. spinothalamic tract
B. corticospinal tract
C. spinoreticular tract
D. spinocerebellar

Damage that occurs in the ___ will produce loss of fine touch and proprioception on the ipsilateral side.

1. thalamus

2. spinal cord

3. cerebral cortex

4. caudal medulla




What is the most common brain tumor?



type of highly malignant astrocytoma that is found in adults (usually over the age of 45 or 50) is glioblastoma multiformae



Medulloblastoma is a type of tumor that arises from primitive, undifferentiated stem cells in the brain and which tends to affect children. It typically develops in the cerebellum and may spread all around the subarachnoid space and along the spine.



Location metastasis for :Breast and prostate cancers tend to go to the dura.



Tumors that have a particular tendency to metastasize to the brain include lung carcinomas, malignant melanoma, and kidney cancers


Premature babies are susceptible to germinal mantle hemorrhages. These can be small and of no consequence, large and fatal, or anything in between. Infarctions may also occur in the developing brain in utero.



40.  A

41.  D

42.  A

43.  C

44.  D

45.  E

46.  C

47.  A

48.  A

49.  D

50.  A

51.  B

52.  A







Question 1:
Your answer was . The correct answer is B.
Amyotrophic Lateral Schlerosis is named after Lou Gehrig, a major league baseball player who died from this disease.

Question 2:
Your answer was . The correct answer is D.
Athetoid CP is characterized by purposeless or worm-like movements.

Question 3:
Your answer was . The correct answer is C.
A mini-stroke is more commonly referred to as a transient ischemic attack.

Question 4:
Your answer was . The correct answer is A.
Protrusion of the meninges without involvement of the spinal cord or spinal nerves is referred to as Spina Bifida Meningocele.

Question 5:
Your answer was . The correct answer is B.
A patch of hair often seen in the lowback in association with spina bifida is called Faun's Beard.

Question 6:
Your answer was . The correct answer is A.
90% of all disk herniations occur in the lower lumbar region at L4-L5 or L5-S1.

Question 7:
Your answer was . The correct answer is D.
Abnormal reaction of the nervous system is response to trauma is termed reflex sympathetic dystrophy syndrome.

Question 8:
Your answer was . The correct answer is B.
Babinski's sign, a flexion/extension response of the toes, common occurs when performing a plantar reflex test is there is an associated UMN lesion.

Question 9:
Your answer was . The correct answer is A.
A disk herniation involving the C5 spinal nerve will most likely result in a decreased biceps tendon reflex.

Question 10:
Your answer was . The correct answer is B.



astrocytomas are the most common type of brain tumor





ophtalmo questions

Neoplasms of the eyelid (basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, melanoma) are etiologically related most closely to:

A Use of mascara

B A hereditary condition

C Recurrent herpes infection

D Sunlight exposure

E Glaucoma



A 60 year old male has noted decreasing vision on the right for the past year. Funduscopic examination reveals a darkly pigmented uveal mass. These findings most strongly suggest a diagnosis of:

A Diabetic retinopathy

B Retinoblastoma

C Melanoma

D Tay-Sachs disease

E Cytomegalovirus retinopathy

Answer c:



A 56 year old female has noted increasingly frequent headaches for the past year. She recently had her vision checked, and her intraocular pressure was found to be increased. The most significant result of this condition, if not treated, is:

A Cataract formation

B Conjunctivitis

C Hypertensive retinopathy

D Optic nerve damage

E Strabismus

Answer d


A 3-year-old child, who had been born prematurely at 30 weeks gestation and then developed hyaline membrane disease at birth, is found to be visually impaired. Funduscopic examination reveals retinal detachment on the left. The most likely pathogenesis of this condition is:

A Retinal damage by oxygen species of free radicals

B Hereditary hexosaminidase A deficiency

C Germinal matrix hemorrhage at birth

D Alobar holoprosencephaly

E Absence of tumor suppressor gene on chromosome 13

Answer a:


A 70 year old female has noted the appearance of a "spot" discoloring the sclera of her right eye. Her physician notes a 0.3 cm raised yellowish-white lesion near the limbus. This lesion is LEAST likely to:

A Appear more often in older persons

B Decrease visual acuity

C Increase in size very slowly over time

D Show elastosis of collagen histologically

E Have an association with sunlight exposure
