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Sinoe medical association


·  Introduction

·  Overview

·  History

·  Background

·  Types of Angina

·  Factors that Affect Myocardial Oxygen Consumption

·  Factors that Affect Myocardial Oxygen Supply

·  Pharmacology

·  Organic Nitrates (Nitrovasodilators)

·  Chemistry

·  Mechanism of Action

·  Pharmacological Effects

·  Pharmacokinetics

·  Routes of Administration

·  Tolerance and Dependence

·  Adverse Effects

·  Contraindications

·  Calcium Channel Blockers

·  Chemistry

·  Mechanism of Action

·  Pharmacological Effects

·  Pharmacokinetics

·  Adverse Effects

·  Contraindications

·  Beta-Blockers

·  Mechanism of Action and Effects

·  Adverse Effects and Contraindications

·  Therapeutics

·  Stable Angina

·  Vasospastic Angina

·  Unstable Angina

·  Combination Therapy



·         Angina pectoris is the principle symptom of ischemic heart disease

·         The condition is characterized by sudden, severe substernal pain

·         The primary cause of angina is an imbalance between myocardial oxygen demand and oxygen supplied by coronary vessels

o        This imbalance may be due to a decrease in myocardial oxygen delivery, an increase in myocardial oxygen demand, or both


·         Amyl nitrate and nitroglycerin were found to provide transient relief of angina in the mid- to late-1800s

·         Beta-adrenergic blockers and calcium channel blockers were developed during the early 1960's and these two classes of agents have also become important in the therapy of angina


·         Types of Angina

o        Stable angina (exertional angina, typical or classic angina, angina of effort, atheroscelorotic angina)

§         The underlying pathology is usually atherosclerosis

§         Anginal episodes can be precipitated by exercise, cold, stress, emotion, or eating

§         Therapeutic rationale: Decrease cardiac load (preload and afterload) and increase myocardial blood flow

o        Vasospastic angina (variant angina, Prinzmetal's angina)

§         Caused by transient vasospasm of the coronary vessels

§         Usually associated with underlying atheromas

§         Chest pain may develop at rest

§         Therapeutic rationale: Decrease vasospasm of coronary vessels

o        Unstable angina (preinfarction angina, crescendo angina, angina at rest)

§         Caused by recurrent episodes of small platelet clots at the site of a ruptured atherosclerotic plaque which can also precipitate local vasospasm

§         Associated with a change in the character, frequency, and duration of angina in patients with stable angina and when there are prolonged episodes of angina at rest

§         Unstable angina requires vigorous therapy as it signals the imminent occurrence of a myocardial infarction

§         Therapeutic rationale: Inhibit platelet aggregation and thrombus formation, decrease cardiac load, and vasodilate coronary arteries

·         Factors that Affect Myocardial Oxygen Demand

o        The major determinants of myocardial oxygen consumption include ventricular wall stress, heart rate, and inotropic state (contractility)

o        Both preload and afterload affect the stress on the ventricular wall

§         Preload

§         Preload is the pressure that distends the ventricular wall during diastole (ventricular-end diastolic pressure, VEDP) and is determined by venous return

§         Peripheral venodilation increases venous capacitance and thereby reduces venous return and preload

§         Decreasing preload also reduces ventricular end-diastolic volume (VEDV) which reduces ventricular wall tension as described by Laplace's law (Tension = Pressure x Radius)

§         An added benefit of reducing preload is improvement in subendocardial perfusion as a result of increasing the pressure gradient for perfusion across the ventricular wall

§         Afterload

§         Afterload is the impedance against which the ventricle must pump

§         Decreasing peripheral arteriolar resistance reduces myocardial work and therefore myocardial oxygen consumption

o        A commonly used non-invasive index of myocardial oxygen demand is the "double product" (Heart Rate x Systolic Blood Pressure)

·         Factors that Affect Myocardial Oxygen Supply

o        Coronary artery blood flow is the primary determinant of myocardial oxygen supply since myocardial oxygen extraction from the blood is nearly complete, even at rest

o        Coronary blood flow is essentially negligible during systole and is therefore determined by perfusion pressure (aortic diastolic pressure), duration of diastole, and coronary resistance

o        Coronary vascular resistance is determined by numerous factors including:

§         Metabolic products that vasodilate coronary arterioles

§         Autonomic activity

§         Extravascular mechanical compression

§         Atherosclerosis

§         Intracoronary thrombi


Three categories of pharmacological agents are used in the treatment of angina:

1.        Organic nitrates (reduce preload, reduce afterload, vasodilate coronary arteries, inhibit platelet aggregation)

2.        Calcium channel blockers (reduce afterload, vasodilate coronary arteries, may inhibit platelet aggregation; some also decrease heart rate, decrease contractility)

3.        Beta-adrenergic antagonists (decrease heart rate, decrease contractility, decrease afterload due to decrease in cardiac output, may inhibit platelet aggregation)


Organic Nitrates (Nitrovasodilators)

Organic nitrates have been used for more than 100 years, and are still widely used in the treatment of angina pectoris

Pharmacokinetics of Prototypical Nitrovasodilators in Man





Half-life (min)




Plasma clearance (L/min)




Apparent volume of distribution (L/kg)




Oral bioavailability (%)

< 1



·         Routes of Administration

o        Amyl nitrate, a gas at room temperatures, can be administered by inhalation and has a very rapid onset and very short duration of action (3 - 5 min)

o        The sublingual route of administration is rapid (onset of action 1-3 min) and effective for the treatment of acute attacks of angina pectoris and avoids first-pass effects

§         The short duration of action (20-30 min) is not suitable for maintenance therapy

o        Intravenous nitroglycerin may be useful in the treatment of severe recurrent unstable angina because the onset of action is also rapid

o        Slowly absorbed preparations (oral, buccal, transdermal) can be used to provide prolonged prophylaxis against angina attacks (3 - 10 hrs), but can lead to the development of tolerance

o        Nicorandil can be given orally (twice daily) or i.v. and exhibits little or no tolerance

·         Tolerance and Dependence

o        Continuous or frequent exposure to organic nitrates may lead to the development of complete tolerance (tachyphylaxis)

o        For instance, transdermal administration of GTN may provide therapeutic blood levels for 24 hours or more, but efficacy does not persist for more than 8-10 hours

o        Nitrate-free periods of at least 8 hours (e.g. overnight) are suggested to avoid or reduce the development of tolerance

o        The mechanism of tolerance remains uncertain but several theories have been suggested:

§         Diminished ability to convert nitrate to NO (no cross-tolerance with acetylcholine)

§         Diminished release of NO because of depletion of endogenous sulfhydryl compounds (sulfhydryl-regenerating agents can partially reverse tolerance)

§         Alterations in guanylate cyclase activation

o        Industrial exposure to organic nitrates has been associated with "Monday disease" and with the development of physical dependence manifest by variant angina occurring after 1-2 days "withdrawal" from source of organic nitrates

§         Myocardial infarction resulting from coronary vasospasm has occurred in the most severely affected individuals

§         There is no evidence that physical dependence occurs with therapeutic doses of short-acting organic nitrates, even at high doses

·         Adverse Effects

o        The major acute adverse effects of nitrovasodilators are due to excessive vasodilation:

§         Orthostatic hypotension

§         Tachycardia

§         Severe throbbing headache

§         Dizziness

§         Flushing

§         Syncope (fainting)

·         Contraindications

o        Organic nitrates are contraindicated if intracranial pressure is elevated

Calcium Channel Blockers

·         Chemistry

o        Four chemically distinct classes of calcium channel blockers are currently used to treat angina

§         Phenylalkylamines: Verapamil (Calan)

§         Benzothiazipines: Diltiazem (Cardizem)

§         Dihydropyridines: Nifedipine (Procardia), nimodipine (Nimotop), nicardipine (Cardene)

§         Diarylaminopropylamine ethers: Bepridil (Vascor)

·         Mechanism of Action

o        The primary action of the calcium channel blockers is to block voltage-sensitive calcium channels

o        Dihydropyridines, verapamil, and diltiazem block L-type calcium channels which are abundant in cardiac myocytes, arteriole smooth muscle cells, SA nodal tissue, and AV nodal tissue

o        Bepridil blocks L-type channels, but also has significant sodium and potassium channel blocking activity in the heart

·         Pharmacological Effects

o        All of the calcium channel blockers vasodilate coronary arterioles and reduce afterload, but each class has different effects on heart rate and cardiac contractility

§         Verapamil, diltiazem, and bepridil have direct negative inotropic, chronotropic, and dromotropic effects

§         The dihydropyridines have negligible direct effects on heart rate or contractility, but reflex increases in sympathetic tone (due to decreased arterial pressure) can increase heart rate and contractility which may aggravate angina

o        The calcium channel blockers have little effect on preload

o        Calcium channel blockers may inhibit platelet aggregation

o        The desired therapeutic effects of calcium channel blockers in treating angina are to:

§         Reduce myocardial oxygen consumption by reducing afterload

§         Reduce myocardial oxygen consumption by reducing heart rate and contractility (except for the dihydropyridines which have minimal effects on contractility)

§         Improve oxygen delivery to ischemic myocardium by vasodilating coronary arteries and by reducing heart rate (increased time spent in diastole)

§         May also inhibit platelet aggregation

·         Pharmacokinetics

o        The calcium channel blockers are orally active

o        The calcium channel blockers exhibit high first-pass metabolism and high protein binding

o        Most of the channel blockers used to treat angina are active within about 30 minutes after oral administration and have plasma half-lives of several hours

§         Bepridil and the newer dihydropyridines have longer half-lifes (24-50 hours)

·         Adverse Effects

o        The major adverse effects of calcium channel blockers are typically direct extensions of their therapeutic actions and are relatively rare:

§         Depression of contractility and heart failure

§         Bradycardia

§         AV block

§         Cardiac arrest

o        Short-acting dihydropyridines have been associated with an increased incidence of sudden death (cardiac arrhythmia), perhaps by increasing sympathetic tone

o        Minor toxicities include:

§         Hypotension

§         Dizziness

§         Edema

§         Flushing

o        Because of its ability to block potassium channels, bepridil can prolong the cardiac action potential and cause torsades de pointes (drug-induced long QT syndrome)

·         Contraindications

o        Verapamil, diltiazem, and bepridil can worsen cardiac performance in patients with overt heart failure

o        Verapamil, diltiazem, and bepridil may depress contractility and produce AV block in patients receiving beta-blockers

o        Verapamil may increase serum digoxin levels in digitalized patients

Beta-Adrenergic Blockers

·         A variety of beta-blockers are now available with a spectrum of properties

·         Propranolol (Inderal) is the prototypic beta-adrenergic blocker

·         Mechanism of Action and Effects

o        These agents block beta-adrenergic receptors in the cardiovascular system

o        They have a negative chronotropic and inotropic effect and reduce afterload which:

§         Decreases myocardial oxygen consumption, especially during exercise

§         Improves myocardial perfusion due to lower heart rate

·         Adverse Effects and Contraindications

o        May dangerously reduce myocardial performance in patients with overt heart failure

o        May depress contractility and produce AV block in patients receiving calcium channel blockers


Stable Angina (Angina of effort)

Vasospastic Angina (Variant angina, Prinzmetal's angina)

Unstable Angina

Combination Therapy


Table 2. Effects of Nitrovasodilators Alone and in Combination with Beta-Blockers or Calcium Channel Blockers (from Katzung, 7th edition)

Hemodynamic Parameter

Nitrates Alone

Beta-Blockers or Calcium Channel Blockers Alone

Nitrates Plus Beta-Blockers or Calcium Channel Blockers

Heart Rate

Reflex Increase










None or Decrease


Reflex Increase



Ejection Time




Undesirable effects are shown in italics

* Dihydropyridines have little direct effect on cardiac contractility but may cause an increase in contractility due to a reflex increase in sympathetic tone.