1. A 24-year old nurse calls your office. She has had
four episodes of an excruciating right-sided headache in the last six months. Twice there was an
associated tingling of the left side of the face and left hand. The pain, which
is throbbing, builds up over an hour or two until she is forced to lie down in
a dark room. She experiences nausea and vomiting, and blurred vision. The headache usually subsides once
she is able to sleep. She also gets less severe headaches, also on the right, relieved by 2-4 aspirin
per day. She denies family history of headache. Her sister works on a neurology ward and insisted she
call for an appointment.
2. An 18-year-old college student comes to the ER
with a headache which is
holocephalic, steady, and unaccompanied by any other symptoms or findings. You
give him a prescription of Fiorinal, (butalbital, aspirin and caffeine). He
returns on a different shift 2 days later with continuing symptoms. The
Fiorinal was slightly effective, bul,he thinks he took too much. He is slightly
groggy, but there are no other findings. He has no history of drug use or
chronic headaches. The
physician prescribes a shot of Demerol hoping he can stop the headache so the student can study
for his finals. When he returns 12 hours later, there is little change in his
story or exam. He demands another shot.
3. A 68-year-old woman is referred to you by her
dentist. She has suffered some tooth decay because she refuses to brush her
teeth due to facial pain. She explains that she has developed an excruciating
pain in the right side of her face. It is exacerbated by facial movements or
touch, and is most severe in the morning. She is suing the dentist as she
claims it all started after a root canal.
4. A 35-year-old businessman has a six-year history
of twice weekly headaches
which have increased to almost daily. They are usually non-throbbing and occur
towards the end of the day. He has tried many off-the-shelf medications, but
finds himself taking a handful of pills without much relief. His friend gave
him a prescription drug that worked. He would like for you to give him some.
There are no other symptoms or neurologic findings.
5. A woman has a new onset seizure. She is thoroughly
examined including a CT, LP, and EEG. No findings were abnormal. Two days
later, she calls the office with complaints of a headache that developed the day before. She has not
been able to get out of bed due to the pain.
6. A 40-year-old policeman states that he has headaches which are unilateral,
occur once or twice per night, but at least once around 3 AM. They last only an
hour, but they are excruciating and he paces the floor. He claims his eye
swells and tears. This has been going on for a week. His mother had migraines,
but nothing like this.
7. A 28 year old white female complains of headaches for 1 year, recently
daily. They are often throbbing, usually bitemporal, and do not usually cause
too much nausea, although she has vomited once or twice. She also says her
vision has changed, but she went to get her glasses checked and they told her
they were fine. Other pertinent history is obtained that she had a child 9
months ago, and gained 80 pounds d-uring pregnancy. She has lost 30. On
physical exam she is obese. Vital signs are normal. Fundoscopic exam shows
bilateral disc margin blurring with a flame hemorrage in the right. Pupils are
equally reactive. Visual fields are full on finger confrontation. There is a
question of mild lateral rectus weakness on the right. The rest of the cranial
nerves are normal, as is her strength, sensation, and reflexes. There is no
Babinski. Coordination and gait are intact.
CT of the head is normal. EEG is normal. CSF is
normal except for an opening pressure of 410 mm H20.
What is the name of this syndrome? And What severe
disability is she at risk for?
What would you expect to see on formal visual field
testing (perimetry)?
1. Migraine with aura is likely. The side-locked
location is a little worrisome for possible referred pain due to intracranial
pathology. Remember that according to International Headache Criteria for migraine headache the patient has to have
at least five headaches
which are similar in nature. She is also overusing analgesics to a small
extent, which could lead to medication-induced chronic headache. She needs an exam to rule out focal
neurologic signs and more specific migraine therapy.
2. This person could be drug seeking. Signs which may
point to this are a family history of drug abuse or alcoholism. However, he
could also have his first prolonged migraine. This would be unusual, but not
unheard of even though it is not unilateral or throbbing. On the other hand,
you are obligated at this point to work him up because he is presenting with
"the First and the Worst" headache
of his life. He should have a blood screen for infection and metabolic disease,
a CT scan without contrast to look for blood, and an LP to look for blood and
3. She has trigeminal neuralgia. It will likely
respond to anticonvulsants such as Neurontin or Tegretol. If she has no other
signs of cranial nerve dysfunction she doesn't need imaging, though it is not
unusual to do it as a precaution. Remember that TN is not associated with true
sensory loss, although the patients will say they have a relative numbness in
the area.
4. This is the more classic "rebound" or
analgesic induced chronic tension-type headache. He should change his lifestyle somewhat, participate
in exercise and stress reduction activities, stop the daily butalbital and
perhaps get on a more stabilizing preventive such as amitriptyline.
5. The two most important clues to the correct
diagnosis is that she recently had an LP, and when she tries to get up from bed
the headache worsens. This
is acute post-LP, or "hypoliquorric" headache. It is treated with strict flat bedrest for
three days; if they are not better at the end of that time an autologous blood
patch to the epidural lumbar area by an anesthesiologist is almost always
curative. IV or high dose PO caffeine can sometimes help, but I can't think of
anything more uncomfortable than to be buzzing but have to stay in bed, so I
don't usually suggest it.
6. These are cluster headaches, the most painful headache there is most likely. Acutely a triptan
intranasally or 100% oxygen can abort it; preventively the most helpful are
valproate, verapamil, lithium and/or pulse steroids. It will usually go away on
its own in 6-8 weeks.
7. Idiopathic intracranial hypertension. She is at
risk for visual loss, often not noticed by the patient until it is severe, due
to fovial sparing. On perimetry testing she will have an enlarged blind spot
and sometimes a "nasal step" of visual loss. If acetazolamide does
not decrease her intracranial pressure, surgery to open a window in the optic
nerve sheath ("optic nerve sheath fenestration") is indicated to
preserve her eyesight.
1) A 65 year old female Kamala gives the
history of severe unilateral headache on the right side and complains of
blindness since 2 days .On examination there is a thick cord like structure on
the lateral side of the head. The ESR is 80 mm/Hr in the first hour. The most
likely diagnosis is
a) Temporal arteritis
b) Migraine
c) cluster headache
d) sinusitis
2) A 60 year old man complaining of chest
pain since 6 hrs is diagnosed as acute MI . Angiography showed the involvement
of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery.
The most probable site of involvement is
a) Anterolateral
b) Posterior
c) Inferior
d) Septal
3) Pulmonary Kerley B lines are seen in
all the following except
a) Pulmonary edema
b) Mitral valve disease
c) Interstitial fibrosis
d) Broncho alveolar Ca
4) Infective endocarditis is least likely
to occur in
a) ASD
b) Small VSD
c) MVP
d) TOF
5)In a patient with chronic AF with a
regular beat of 60/min, the most probable cause is
a) sleep
b) digitalis toxicity
c) Sino nodal block
d) Hypothyroidism
6)An HIV positive female has an indurated
ulcer over the tongue. Laboratory findings show growth in cornmeal agar at 20
Degrees, microscopy showing hyphae and growth in human serum at 37 degrees show
budding yeasts. The probable cause is
a)Candida albicans
d) Coccidiodomycosis
7) Kallu, a 30 year old man, presented
with subcutaneous itchy nodules over the left iliac crest. On examination, they
are firm, non tender and mobile .Skin snips contain microfilaria and adult
worms of
a) Loa Loa
b) Onchocerca volvulus
c) Brugia malayi
d) Mansonella perstans
8)In an ICU patient on invasive
monitoring, all are causes of bacterial sepsis except
a)Orotracheal intubation
b)Intra arterial line
c)Humidified air
d)Central venous catheter
9) In Polycythemia vera, all the following
are seen except
a) thrombocytopenia
b) increased GI bleed
c) thrombosis
d) Transient visual loss
10) A stem cell disorder affecting all the
3 cell lines - platelets, RBC's and leucocytes is
a) Hemolytic anemia
b) Paroxysmal cold haemoglobinuria
c) PNH
d) Blackfan Diamond syndrome
11) In beta thalassemia, there is
a) increase in Beta chain , decrease in
Alpha chain
b) decrease in Beta chain, increase Alpha
c) decrease in Beta chain, decrease Alpha
d) Increase in Beta chain, increase Alpha
12) Non caseating granulomas are seen in
all the following except
a) Tuberculosis
b) Byssinosis
c) Hodgkin's Lymphoma
d) Metastatic carcinoma of lung
13) All are paraneoplastic syndromes
a) cerebellar degeneration
b) Progressive Multifocal
c) Amyotropic lateral sclerosis
d) Opsoclonus myoclonus
14) In Burkitts lymphoma, translocation
seen is
a) 12-14 translocation
b) 8-14 translocation
15) Ingestion of arsenic causes
a) Hepatic Ca
b) Hepatic adenoma
c) Noncirrhotic portal fibrosis
d) Hepatic cirrhosis
16) In malignant hypertension,
hyperplastic angiitis is seen in all except
a) Peripancreatic fat
b) Kidney
c) Heart
d) Periadrenal fat
17) In a chronic smoker, a highly
malignant, aggressive and metastatic lung carcinoma is
a) Squamous cell Carcinoma
b) Small cell Carcinoma
c) Adenocarcinoma
d) Large cell Carcinoma
18) All are true about Neisseria gonorrhea
a) Gram positive cocci
b) causes stricture urethra
c) Involves seminal vesicles and spreads
to epididymis
d) drug of choice is Ceftriaxone
19) A 30 year old male, Kallu, with a
history of sexual exposure comes with a painless indurated ulcer over the penis
with everted margins. The diagnosis is
a) Syphilis
b) Chancroid
c) LGV
d) Granuloma inguinale
20) All are features of peripheral
neuritis in a patient with Hansens Disease except
a) Predominant sensory involvement
b) Decreased tendon reflexes
c) Mutilations
21) A 32 year old male, Kallu, who
recently visited a sea coast presented with an ulcer over the left leg. The
probable cause is
a) Pasturella multocida
b) Micrococcus halophilus
c) Vibrio vulnificus
22) An 8 year old boy, Kallu, is brought
to the casualty with a history of consuming something while playing outside in
a play ground. On examination, there was altered sensorium, hyperpyrexia,
dilated pupils. Most probable cause is
a) Dhatura poisoning
b) Organophosphorus poisoning
c) Parthenium poisoning
d) Barbiturate poisoning
23) All the following viruses cause
stomach and colon cancer except
a) H pylori
b) EB virus
c) HBV
d) HIV
24) Which of the following is
pathognomonic of renal disease
a) Hyaline casts
b) coarse granular casts
c) cystine oxalate crystals
d) epithelial cells
25) Hypoglycemia is seen in
a) Acromegaly
b) Cushings syndrome
c) Hypothyroidism
d) Hypopitutarism
26) A 76 year old male comes with a
history of frequent falls and difficulty in looking downwards and laterally.
The diagnosis is
a) Alzheimer's disease
b) Supranuclear palsy
c) Amyotropic lateral sclerosis
d) Oculomotor nerve palsy
27) The commonest side effect of cisplatin
in a patient using it for esophageal carcinoma is
a) ATN
b) Thrombocytopenia
c) Hepatic failure
d) Cardiomyopathy
28) The most common late CNS complication
of HIV is
a) Dementia
b) Ataxia
c) Seizures
d) Delirium
29) In a patient with acute liver failure,
the best prognostic indicator is
a) Serum albumin
b) Serum AFP
c) Serum bilirubin
d) Factor V estimation
30) The commonest hepatotropic virus
causing increased chronic carrier state is
a) HEV
b) HAV
c) HBV
d) HCV
31) Regarding Addisonian pigmentation, all
are true except
a) involves moles and scars
b) involves palmar creases
c) does not involve oral mucosa
d) involves sole pads
32) In an HIV positive patient with
tuberculosis, all are true except
a) decreased cavitation
b) increased sputum positivity
c) highly variable tuberculin test
d) decreased fibrosis
33) In essential hypertension, changes
seen in the heart are
a) cardiac cell hyperplasia
b) cardiac cell hypertrophy
c) increase in the mitochondrial number
34) In a 32 year old male presenting with
the following blood chemistry : Na+ 135, K+ 5.0, HCO3-
14.0, Cl- 116, PO4 5.0, SO4 5.0, Mg 2.0,
Ca 8.0, the anion gap is
a) 10
b) 15
c) 13
d) 20
35) Pyramidal tract involvement with
absent ankle jerk is seen in
a) Frederick's ataxia
b) Subacute combined degeneration of the
spinal cord
c) Lathyrism
d) Tabes dorsalis
36) A patient with BHP underwent TURP and
developed altered sensorium. The cause is
a) Hyponatremia
b) Hypernatremia
c) Hypomagnesemia
d) Hypokalemia
37) A patient of BHP underwent TURP under
bupivacaine spinal anesthesia. One hour later, he developed nausea, vomiting
and altered sensorium. The cause possibly is
a) Hypernatremia
b) Water intoxication
c) Bupivacaine overdose
d) Rupture Bladder
38) Neuroblastoma differs from Wilm's tumor
radiologically by all except
a) same location
b) intraspinal extension
c) calcification
d) aorta and IVC are not eroded but pushed
39) A 60 year old male, Kallu, on CT scan
was found to have a solid tumor involving the inferior vena cava and renal
vein. The tumor was within the Gerota's fascia. All the following can be done
a) chest X-ray to rule out pulmonary
b) pre-operative radiotherapy is not
c) IVC invasion is inoperable
d) pre-operative biopsy is not indicated
40) A male patient, Kamal, aged 50 years
presents with gradually progressive hard scrotal swelling on the right side.
All the following can be done except
a) inguinal exploration
b) chest Xray to rule out pulmonary
c) CT abdomen
d) biopsy through the scrotal skin
41) Orhcidectomy is done in all the
following except
a) male breast cancer
b) filarial epididymo-orchitis
c) seminoma testes
d) prostate cancer
42) The treatment of choice in congenital
hydrocele is
a) Eversion of the sac
b) Excision of the sac
c) Herniotomy
d) Lord's procedure
43) In a patient with pheochromocytoma,
all the following are seen except
a) diarrhea
b) orthostatic hypotension
c) episodic hypertension
d) weight gain
44) Splenectomy is done in all the
following except
a) splenic abscess
b) hereditary spherocytosis
c) sickle cell anemia
d) myelofibrosis
45) A patient with recurrent attacks of
cholelithiasis had, on ultrasound examination , a dilated CBD of 1 cm. The next
best line in management is
b) PTC
c) intravenous cholangiogram
d) cholecystostomy
46) A 40 year old male, Kallu, a chronic
alcoholic, diagnosed as cirrhosis presents with a lump in the right lobe of the
liver. Serum AFP levels are not elevated. The diagnosis is
a) fibrohyperplasia
b) hepatocellular carcinoma
c) hepatocellular adenoma
d) secondary from carcinoma colon
47) A 60 year old male diagnosed to have
carcinoma stomach had, on CT scan of the abdomen, a mass measuring 4x4 cm in
the antrum with involvement of celiac nodes and right gastric nodes. The
management of choice is
a) palliative
b) subtotal gastrectomy
c) total gastrectomy
d) chemotherapy and radiotherapy
48) A 70 year old male, Kamal, presents
with lower GI bleed for the last 6 months. On sigmoidoscopic examination, there
is a hard non-obstructing mass of 4 cms about 3 cms above the anal verge. The
treatment of choice is
a) anterior resection
b) abdominoperineal resection
c) defunctioning anastomosis
d) colostomy
49) A 14 year old girl, Salu, a regular
swimmer presents with sudden onset of pain abdomen, abdominal distension and
fever of 390, but without obliteration of the liver dullness. The
diagnosis is
a) ruptured typhoid ulcer
b) ruptured ectopic pregnancy
c) primary bacterial peritonitis
d) UTI with PID
50) Left sided pulmonary hypertension is
best treated by
a) splenectomy
b) spleno-renal shunt
c) portocaval shunt
51) A 28 year old male, Mallu, a chronic
alcoholic, presents with sudden onset of epigastric pain that is radiating to
the back. All the following can be seen except
a) hypocalcemia
b) increased serum amylase
c) low serum lipase
d) increased LDH
52) A 28 year old male patient is brought
to the casualty with severe hypotension following a car accident. On
examination no external bleed or injuries are seen. The cause of hypotension is
a) intrathoracic and abdominal bleed
b) fracture rib
c) intracranial bleed
d) neurogenic shock
53) On prenatal ultrasound examination,
the diagnostic feature of congenital diaphragmatic hernia is
a) absence of gas bubble under the
b) mediastinal shift with normal heart
c) peristalsis in the thoracic cavity
d) a cyst behind the left atrium
54) A 40 year old male, Kallu, a chronic
smoker, presents with claudication and a medial leg ulcer. For the past one
month, he gives a history of rest pain. All the following can be used to
relieve the rest pain except
a) Omentoplexy
b) conservative amputation
c) lumbar sympathectomy
d) femoropopliteal bypass
55) A male patient aged 30 years following
a road traffic accident presents with fracture of 4th to 10th ribs and
respiratory distress. He is diagnosed to have flail chest and PaO2 is
< 60%. The treatment of choice is
a) fixation of ribs
b) strapping of the chest
c) IPPV with oral intubation
d) tracheostomy
56) A post-operative patient presents with
duodenal leak and peritonitis with massive contamination. The appropriate
management of choice is
a) duodenostomy + feeding jejunostomy +
peritoneal lavage
b) total parenteral nutrition
c) duodenojejunostomy
d) four quadrant peritoneal lavage
57) A 52 year old male executive is seen
in the casualty with hypotension, vomiting bright red blood at home and in the
hospital. There is no previous suggestive history. The estimated blood loss is
around 2 liters. The diagnosis is
a) esophageal varices
b) gastritis
c) duodenal ulcer
d) Mallory-Weiss tear
58) All are true about the right kidney
a) it is related to the duodenum
b) it is lower than the left kidney
c) the right renal vein is shorter than
the left
d) right kidney is preferred over the left
for transplantation
59) Grade IV esophageal varices, on barium
swallow appears as
a) a thick band
b) mucosal folds above the carina
c) mucosal folds below the carina
60) A female patient presents with
pigmentation of the lips and oral mucosa and colonic polyps. Her sister also
has the same history. The diagnosis is
a) Peutz-Jeghers' syndrome
b) Carcinoid
c) melanoma
d) villous adenoma
61) The commonest site of carcinoma
prostate is
Transitional zone
b) Central
c) Peripheral
d) Anterior
62) Dissociative sensory loss is seen with
a) Tabes
63) In a patient with raised IgA levels,
the commonest finding is
a) proteinuria
b) GI bleed
c) hematuria
d) hypertension
64) In a patient with choledochal cyst,
bile diversion into the small intestine is contraindicated because of risk of
a) malignancy
b) recurrent cholangitis
c) pancreatitis
d) increased gall stones
65) Thyrotoxicosis differs from malignant
hyperthermia by
a) muscle rigidity
b) CPK
c) hypothermia
66) In a female with sudden onset of
severe headache, on CT, a diagnosis of subarachnoid hemorrhage was made. The
most common site of subarachnoid hemorrhage is
a) subdural venous sinuses
b) middle meningeal artery
c) Berry aneurysm rupture
d) basilar artery
67) Chamavati, a 30 year old female from
rural Assam with a history of chronic tobacco chewing since 15 years of age,
presents with difficulty in opening the mouth. On oral examination, no ulcer is
seen. The diagnosis is
a) non-ulcerative carcinoma of buccal
b) submucous oral fibrosis
c) Temporomandibular joint arthritis
68) A 40 year old female patient,
Chamavati, presents with a lump that is gradually increasing in the parotid
region. On oral examination, the tonsil was pushed medially. On biopsy,
pleomorphic adenoma was diagnosed. The appropriate treatment is
a) Superficial parotidectomy
b) Lumpectomy
c) Enucleation
d) Conservative total dissection
69) A female patient, 45 years of age,
with a family history of breast carcinoma showed diffuse microcalcification on
mammography. On biopsy, intraductal carcinoma in situ was found. The
appropriate management is
a) simple mastectomy
b) quadrantectomy
c) radical mastectomy with axillary
d) chemotherapy with CMF regime
70) Tram track appearance on CT scan of
the head is seen in
a) Sturge Weber syndrome
b) von Hippel Lindau disease
c) Tuberous sclerosis
d) neurofibroma
71) A patient presents with minimal
pleural effusion on the right side. The best method to detect this would be
a) right side chest Xray
b) Left sided chest Xray
c) Left lateral decubitus chest Xray
d) Right lateral decubitus chest Xray
72) A 40 year old farmer with a history of
recurrent attacks of porphyria complains of itching when exposed to the sun and
maculopapular rash on sun-exposed areas. His symptoms are exaggerated in the
summer. The diagnosis is
a) Seborrheic dermatitis
b) Contact
c) Psoriasis
d) Porphyria
cutanea tarda
73) An 8 year old boy presents with a well
defined annular lesion over the buttock with central scarring that is gradually
progressing over the last 8 months. The diagnosis is
a) annular psoriasis
b) lupus vulgaris
c) tinea corporis
74) In adult polycystic kidney, all are
true except
a) Cysts are seen in the liver, spleen and
the pancreas
b) Hematuria occurs
c) Hypertension is rare
d) Autosomal dominant transmission is seen
75) In thymoma, all are seen except
a) red cell aplasia
b) hyperalbuminemia
c) hypogammaglobulinemia
d) myasthenia gravis
76) An adult presents with oval scaly hypopigmented
macules over the chest and the back. The diagnosis is
a) Leprosy
b) Lupus vulgaris
c) Pityriasis versicolor
d) Lichen planus
77) The characteristic nail finding in
lichen planus is
a) pitting
b) pterygium
c) Beau's lines
d) Hyperpigmentation of the nails
78) In an 8 day old child with no history
of consanguinity in the parents, the mother reports blisters and peeling off of
the skin at the site of handling and pressure. There was a similar history in
the previous child which proved to be fatal. The diagnosis is
a) Bullous pemphigoid
b) Congenital syphilis
c) Congenital epidermolysis bullosa
d) Letterer-Siwe disease
79) The most common complication of
hypermature sclerotic cataract is
a) dislocation of the lens
b) phakomorphic glaucoma
c) uveitis
80) A 14 year old boy complains of pain
during reading . On examination, his both eyes are normal and vision with non
Snellen's reading is 6/5. He still complains of pain on occluding one eye. The
diagnosis is
a) myopia
b) pseudomyopia
c) hyperopia
d) emmetropia
81) A 16 year old boy complains of pain in
the right eye. After refractometry , he was prescribed a + 3.5 D sphere lens.
The cover test is normal. There is no heterophoria. The diagnosis is
a) organic amblyopia
b) anisometric amblyopia
c) emmetropic amblyopia
d) toxic amblyopia
82) A patient complains of pain in both
eyes with congestion, blurring of vision, photophobia and mucopurulent
discharge since one day. Many cases have been reported from the same community.
The causative agent is probably
a) adenovirus
b) enterovirus 70
c) herpes simplex
83) A male patient with a history of
hypermature cataract presents with a 2 day history of ciliary congestion,
photophobia, blurring of vision and on examination has a deep anterior chamber
in the right eye. The left eye is normal. The diagnosis is
a) phakomorphic glaucoma
b) phakolytic glaucoma
c) phakotoxic glaucoma
d) phakoanaphylactic uveitis
84) A 60 year old male patient operated
for cataract 6 months back now complains of floaters and sudden loss of vision.
The diagnosis is
a) vitreous hemorrhage
b) retinal detachment
c) central retinal artery occlusion
d) cystoid macular edema
85) A 12 year old boy presents with
recurrent attacks of conjunctivitis for the last 2 years with intense itching
and ropy discharge. The diagnosis is
a) vernal conjunctivitis
b) phlyctenular conjunctivitis
c) trachoma
d) viral conjunctivitis
86) A 25 year old lady presents with severe
sudden onset of pain, corneal congestion, photophobia and deep anterior chamber
in the right eye. The left eye is normal. Xray pelvis shows sacroiliitis. The
diagnosis is
a) anterior uveitis
b) posterior uveitis
c) intermediate uveitis
d) scleritis
87) A 30 day old neonate was presented
with a history of photophobia and excessive lacrimation. On examination, both
the lacrimal duct systems are normal, but there was a large cornea and corneal
haziness. The diagnosis is
a) megalocornea
b) keratoconus
c) congenital glaucoma
d) Hunter's syndrome
88) In high spinal anesthesia, seen are
a) hypotension and bradycardia
b) hypotension and tachycardia
c) hypertension and bradycardia
d) hypertension and tachycardia
89) A patient selected for surgery who was
induced with thiopentone i.v through one of the antecubital veins complains of
severe pain of the whole hand. The next line of management is
a) give i.v propofol through the same
b) give i.v ketamine through the same
c) give i.v lignocaine through the same
d) leave it alone
90) A patient who was on aspirin for a
long period was selected for an elective surgery. What should be done?
a) stop aspirin for 7 days
b) infusion of fresh frozen plasma
c) infusion of platelet concentrate
d) go ahead with the surgery maintaining
adequate hemostasis
91) A patient in the ICU was on invasive
monitoring with intraarterial cannulation through the right radial artery for
the last 3 days. Later, he developed swelling and discoloration of the right
hand. The next line of management is
a) stellate ganglion block
b) brachial block
c) radial nerve block on the same side
d) application of lignocaine jelly over
the site
92) A 3 year old child with severe
sensorineural deafness was prescribed hearing aids, but shows no improvement.
The next line of management is
a) cochlear implant
b) fenestration surgery
c) stapes mobilization
93) A 4 year old girl diagnosed as having
multiple juvenile papillamotosis of the larynx presents to the casualty with
mild respiratory distress. The next line of management is
a) tracheostomy
b) microlaryngoscopy
c) broad spectrum antibiotics
d) systemic steroids
94) A 28 year old female presents to the
casualty with gradually increasing respiratory distress since 4 days. She gives
history of hospitalization and mechanical ventilation with orotracheal
intubation for 2 weeks. Now, she was diagnosed as having severe tracheal
stenosis. The next line of management is
a) tracheal resection and end to end
b) tracheal dilatation
c) systemic steroids
d) laser excision and stent insertion
95) A 30 year old male, following excision
of the 3rd molar for dental caries presents with trismus, fever of 39.50 and
swelling pushing the tonsil medially and spreading laterally posterior to the
middle sternocleidomastoid. The diagnosis is
a) parapharyngeal abscess
b) retropharyngeal abscess
c) Ludwig's angina
d) submental abscess
96) A 20 year old male, following a road
traffic accident was brought to the casualty. His right leg is shortened,
internally rotated and adducted. The diagnosis is
a) fracture neck of femur
b) anterior dislocation of the hip
c) posterior dislocation of the hip
d) trochanteric fracture of the femur
97) An 8 year old boy presents with a
gradually progressing swelling and pain since 6 months over the upper tibia. On
Xray, there is a lytic lesion with sclerotic margins in the upper tibial
metaphysis. The diagnosis is
a) Osteogenic sarcoma
b) Osteoclastoma
c) Brodie's abscess
d) Ewing's sarcoma
98) An 8 year old boy with a history of
fall from 10 feet height complains of pain in the right ankle. Xrays taken at
that time are normal without any fracture line. But after 2 years, he developed
a calcaneovalgus deformity. The diagnosis is
a) undiagnosed malunited fracture
b) avascular necrosis talus
c) tibial epiphyseal injury
99) A 6 year old boy has a history of
recurrent dislocation of the right shoulder . On examination, the orthopedician
puts the patient in the supine position and abducts his arm to 90 degrees with
the bed as the fulcrum and then externally rotates it but the boy does not
allow the test to be performed. The test done by the orthopedician is
a) apprehension test
b) sulcus test
100) Regarding bone remodelling, all are
true except
a) osteoclastic activity at the
compression site
b) osteoclastic activity at the tension
c) osteoclastic activity and osteoblastic
activity are both needed for bone remodelling in cortical and cancellous bones
d) osteoblasts transforms into osteocytes
101) A child is spinned around
by his father by holding both hands. While doing this the child started crying
and does not allow his father to touch his elbow.The diagnosis is
a) pulled elbow
b) radial head dislocation
c) Annular ligament tear
d) Fracture olecranon process
102)The structures piercing the
clavipectoral fascia are all except:
a) Cephalic vein
b) Thoraco acromial artery
c) Lateral pectoral nerve
d) Lateral pectoral artery
103) Crossed oculomotor palsy is seen in
occlusion of
a) Anterior cerebral artery
b) Middle cerebral artery
c) Posterior cerebral artery
d) Superior cerebral artery
104) Erection of penis is mediated by all
the following except
a) Nervi erigentes
b) Pudendal nerve
c) Sacral plexus
d) Hypogastric plexus
105) Active transport of chemicals across
the cell membrane is mediated by:
a) Channel
b) Carrier
c) G protein
d) Na+- K+ ATPase.
106) In a patient with respiratory rate of
14/min, tidal volume of 500 ml with a vital capacity 7000ml, the alveolar
ventilation/minute is
a) 2000 ml
b) 4900ml
c) 7000ml
d) 7700ml.
107) During sigmoidoscopy, if the rectum
is inflated with gas, increased peristalsis is seen in
a) Whole intestine
b) Distal colon
c) Proximal colon
d) Whole colon
108) In an unacclimatised person suddenly
exposed to cold, the physiological effect seen is
a) Hypertension
b) Tachycardia
c) Shift of blood from shell to core
d) Non shivering thermogenesis
109) Spuriously high BP is noted in all
the following except
a) Obesity
b) Thick calcified vessels
c) Small cuff
d) Auscultatory gap
110) Cerebellar herniation presents with
all the following except
a) Loss of consciousness
b) Autonomic disturbances
c) Neck stiffness
d) Pupil dilatation
111) Positive feedback is seen in all the
following except
a) LH Surge
b) Stimulation of the gastric secretion by
histamine and gastrin
c) thrombolytic activity in the
coagulation cascade
d) Entry of Ca into the sarcoplasmic
112)Vitamin K is needed for the post
translational modification of
a) Carboxylation
b) Methylation
c) Hydroxylation
d) Transketolation
113) Amber codon refers to
a) Initiating codon
b) Mutant codon
c) Stop codon
d) Codon coding for multiple amino acids
114) At physiological pH, the most stable
amino acid is
a) Histidine
b) Lysine
c) Arginine
d) Leucine
115) In cystinuria, amino acids excreted
are all the following except:
a) Ornithine
b) Arginine
c) Lysine
d) Histidine
116) Dietary triglycerides are transported
b) LDL
d) HDL
117) In which of the following reaction,
thiamine is not used
a) Alpha ketoglutarate to succinyl CoA
b) Glucose to pentose
c) Oxidative decarboxylation of Alpha keto
amino acids
d) Lactate to pyruvate
118) In chromatography, mass movement of
the substances is seen in
a) Electrophoresis
b) Diffusion
c) Osmosis
d) Paper chromatography
119) The type of chromatography in which
proteins are bound to another substance is
a) Hydrophobic chromatography
b) Absorption ( Affinity ) chromatography
120) The end-product of citric acid cycle
used in detoxification of ammonia in brain is
a) Oxaloacetate
b) Alpha keto glutarate
c) Succinate
d) Citrate
121) Right parietal lobe lesions cause all
the following except
a) ideomotor apraxia
b) Self neglect
122) Investigation of choice for blood
grouping in old blood stain on the cloth is
a) Precipitin test
b) Benzidine test
c) Acid dilution test
d) Hemin crystals
123) Interleukin secreted by the
macrophages stimulating lymphocytes is
a) IL 1
b) INF Alpha
c) TNF Alpha
d) IL 6
124) Following injection of lymphokines,
the same class of immunoglobulins are produced. This is referred to as
a) Clonal selection
b) Class switching
125) A patient receiving allopurinol
requires dose reduction of
a) 6 mercapto purine
b) cyclophosphamide
c) Azathioprine
d) Cimetidine
126) An elderly hypertensive has diabetes
mellitus and bilateral renal artery stenosis. The best management is
a) Enalapril
b) Verapamil
c) Beta blockers
d) Thiazides
127) A female suffering from psychosis,
taking phenothiazines now complains of sudden onset of high grade fever, muscle
rigidity and altered sensorium. The diagnosis is
a) Malignant hyperthermia
b) Neuroleptic malignant syndrome
c) Tardive dyskinesia
d) Akathesia
128) A patient on cisapride for Barrets
ulcer suffers from pneumonia. The physician prescribes erythromycin. Which of
the following is the correct statement
a) Increase the dose of cisapride needed
b) Increase the dose of erythromycin
c) Increased risk of Ventricular
arrythmias present
d) Decreased bioavailability of cisapride
129) A 60 year old male comes to the
casualty with acute retention of urine since 12 hours. On examination there was
distended bladder . His son gives a history of taking some drugs by the patient
since 2 days as he is suffering from depression . The most likely drug is
a) Amitryptiline
b) Chlorpromazine
c) Haloperidol
130) Kallu, a 22 year old male suffers
from decreased sleep, increased sexual activity , excitement and spending
excessive money excessively for the past 8 days. The diagnosis is
a) Acute mania
b) Acute psychosis
c) Schizophrenia
d) Psychosexual disorder
131) Rathi, a 26 year old female diagnosed
to be suffering from depression now for the past 2 days had suicidal
tendencies, thoughts and ideas. The best treatment is
a) Amitryptiline
b) Selegiline
c) Haloperidol + Chlorpromazine
d) ECT
132) Kallu, a 22 year old single unmarried
man is suffering from sudden onset of 3rd person hallucinations for the past 2
weeks. He is suspicious of his family members and had decreased sleep and
appetite. The diagnosis is
a) Schizophrenia
b) Acute psychosis
c) Acute mania
d) Delirium
133) A 60 year old male suffering from
auditory hallucinations is says that people staying upstairs are talking about
him and conspiring against him. He dropped a police complaint against them but
the allegations were proved to be wrong. The diagnosis is
a) Schizophrenia
b) Depression
c) Dementia
d) Delusional disorder
134) In India the commonest cause of
juvenile onset of DM is
b) Fibrocalcific pancreatopathy
c) Gall stones
135) A neonate has central cyanosis and
short systolic murmur on the 2nd day of birth. The diagnosis is
a) TGV
b) TOF
c) VSD
d) ASD
136) An 8 year old female child following
URTI developed maculopapular rash on the face spreading onto the trunk which
cleared on the 3rd day without desquamation and tender post auricular and
suboccipital lymphadenopathy. The diagnosis is
a) Measles
b) Rubella
c) Erythema infectiosum
d) Kawasaki disease(Mucocutaneous LN
137) A 4 month old HIV positive child
following URTI ,developed sudden onset of breathlessness. The chest Xray shows
hyperinflation. The O2 saturation was greater than 90%. The treatment of choice
a) Nebulized acyclovir
b) i.v Ganciclovir
c) Ribavirin
d) Cotrimoxazole
138) All of the following are features of
systemic juvenile Rheumatoid arthritis except
a) Rash
b) fever
c) Hepato Splenomegaly
d) Uveitis
139)A child climbs with alternate steps ,
builds a tower of 8-9 cubes , tells "I" but not his name and cannot
say his age and sex. The probable age is
a) 24 Months
b) 36 Months
c) 30 Months
d) 48 Months
140) A child suffering from acute diarrhea
is brought to the casualty and is diagnosed as having severe dehydration with
pH of 7.23 , Serum Na -125 , Serum K- 3 , Hco3 16. The best IV fluid of choice
a) 3% saline
b) Normal saline
c) N/3 saline
+ 10 % dextrose
d) N/3 saline
+ 5% dextrose
141) A child with recent onset of URTI
after 2 days presents with acute onset of breathlessness, cough and fever. All
of the following can be given except
a) Antibiotics
b) Antipyretics
c) O2 inhalation
d) Morphine
142)A 6 month old child having severe
dehydration comes to the casualty with weak pulse and unrecordable BP. Repeated
attempts in gaining IV access has failed. The next best step is
a) Venesection
b) Jugular vein catheterisation
c) Intraosseous IV Fluids
d) Try again
143) A 6 year old child with acute onset
of fever of 104 F developed febrile seizures and was treated. To avoid future
recurrence of seizure attacks what should be given
a) IV diazepam infusion over 12 Hrs
b) Paracetamol 400 mg + Phenobarbitone
c) paracetamol 400 mg 6th Hrly
d) Oral diazepam 6th Hrly
144 ) An 8 year old child suffering from
recurrent attacks of polyuria since childhood presents to the paediatrics OPD.
On examination, the child is short statured, vitals and BP are normal. Serum Cr
6 Mg %, HCO3 16 mEq , Na 134, K 4.2 On USG bilateral small kidneys
The most likely diagnosis is
a) Polycystic Kidney disease
b) Medullary cystic Kidney disease
c) Nephronophthisis
d) Reflux nephropathy
145) A 40 year old male presents with
recurrent bouts of vomiting since 9 months because of
pyloric obstruction. The compensatory
biochemical change is
a) Respiratory acidosis
b) Respiratory alkalosis
c) Metabolic acidosis
d) Paradoxical aciduria with hypo natremia
and hypo chloremia
146)A diabetic female at 40 weeks of
pregnancy delivered a baby by elective CS. Soon after birth the baby developed
respiratory distress. The diagnosis is
a) Hyaline membrane disease
b) Transient tachypnea of the newborn
c) Congenital diaphragmatic hernia
d) Tracheo esophageal fistula
147)All are prognostic indicators of PIH
a) Serum Uric acid
b) Low platelets
c) Serum Na
d) Elevated liver enzymes
148) In a woman on subdermal progesterone
implant , the menstrual abnormality seen is
a) Amenorrhea
b) Menorrhagia
c) Metrorrhagia
d) Polymenorrhoea
149) Kalavathi ,a 29 year old nulliparous
woman complains of severe menorrhagia and lower abdominal pain since 3 months.
On examination, there is a 14 weeks size uterus with fundal fibroid . The
treatment of choice is
a) Wait and watch
b) Myomectomy
c) GnRH analogues
d) Hysterectomy
150) A pregnant lady in the first
trimester presented with random blood glucose of 177 mg /dl
The treatment is
a) Insulin
b) glipizide
c) Phenformin
d) Sulfonylurea
151) In a non-diabetic high risk
pregnancy, the ideal time for NST monitoring is
a) 24 Hrs
b) 48 Hrs
c) 72 Hrs
d) 96 Hrs
152) A woman comes with postdated
pregnancy at 42 weeks. The initial evaluation should be
a) USG
b) Induction of labor
c) Review previous menstrual history
153) In pregnancy, the most common cause
of transient Diabetes Insipidus is
a) Severe pre-eclampsia
b) Multiple pregnancy
154) A 26 year old nulliparous woman is on
oral contraceptive pills. She is currently diagnosed as having pulmonary
tuberculosis. Which anti-tuberculous drug decreases the effect of OCP's?
a) Rifampicin
b) INH
c) Pyrazinamide
d) Ethambutol
155) The drug that inhibits uterine
contractility causing pulmonary edema is
a) Ritodrin
b )Nifedipine
c) indomethacin
d) Atabusin
156) Post-coital test detects all of the
following except
a) Sperm count
b) Sperm abnormality
c) Fallopian tube block
d) Cervical factor abnormality
157) A 48 year old female suffering from
severe menhorragia (DUB) underwent hysterectomy. She wishes to take hormone
replacement therapy. Physical examination and breast are normal, but x ray
shows osteoporosis. The treatment of choice is
a) Estrogen
b) Progesterone
c) Estrogen-Progesterone
d) None
158) A pregnant female, 38 years old, had
a child with Downs syndrome. How do you assess the risk of Down's syndrome in
the present pregnancy?
a) Chorionic villus biopsy
b) Maternal alpha feto protein levels
c) Maternal hCG
d) USG
159) A 28 year old female with a history
of 8 weeks amenorrhea complains of vaginal bleeding and lower abdominal pain.
On USG examination, there is gestational sac with absent fetal parts. The
diagnosis is
a) corpus luteum cyst
b) ectopic pregnancy
c) Incarcerated abortion
d)Threatened abortion
160)Kamla, a 48 year old lady underwent
hysterectomy. On the seventh day, she developed fever, burning micturiton and
urinary dribbling . She can also pass urine voluntarily. The diagnosis is
a) uretero-vaginal fistula
b) vesico-vaginal fistula
c) Urge incontinence
d) Stress incontinence
161)A patient treated for infertility with
clomiphene citrate presents with sudden onset of abdominal pain and distension
with ascites. The probable cause is
a) Hyperstimulation syndrome
b) Uterine rupture
c) Ectopic pregnancy rupture
d) Multi fetal pregnancy
162) A woman at 8 months of pregnancy
complains of abdominal pain and slight vaginal bleed. On examination, the
uterine size is above the expected date with absent fetal heart sounds. The
diagnosis is
a) Hydramnios
b)Uterine rupture
c) concealed hemorrhage
d) active labor
163) In a woman having a previous history
of Caesarian section, all of the following are indications for trial labor
a) Occipito posterior position
b) fetal distress
c) breech presentation
d) Mid pelvic contraction
164) All are indicators for the assessment
of the nutritional program except
a) Weight and height of the preschool
b) Prevalence of low Birth weight less than
2.5 kg in community
c) Nutritional assessment of the preschool
d) Prevalence of pregnant mothers having
Hb < 11.5 g% in the 3rd trimester
165) A concept directed against prevention
of risk factors of CAD is
a) Primordial prevention
b) Secondary prevention
c) Health education
d) Primary prevention
166) In a community, the specificity of
ELISA is 99% and sensitivity is 99%. The prevalance of the disease is 5/1000.
Then, the positive predictive value of the test is
a) 33%
b) 67%
c) 75%
d) 99%
167) In a village of 1 lakh population,
among 20000 exposed to smoking, 200 developed cancer , and among 40000 people
unexposed, 40 developed cancer. The relative risk of smoking in the development
of cancer is
a) 20
b) 10
c) 5
168) A person wants to visit a malaria
endemic area of low level chloroquine resistant falciparum malaria. The best
chemoprophylaxis is
a) Chloroquine
b) Proguanil + Chloroquine
c) Sulfadoxine + pyrimethamine
d) Mefloquine
169) A 35 year old male suffering from
sudden onset of high grade fever. On malarial slide examination, all stages of
the parasite are seen with schizonts of 20 microns size with 14-20 merozoites
per cell and yellow brown pigment. The diagnosis is
a) Plasmodium falciparum
b) Plasmodium vivax
c) Plasmodium malariae
d) Plasmodium ovale
170) A child after consuming food in a
party complaints of vomiting and diarrhea within 1-5 hours. The diagnosis is
a) Staphylococcus aureus
b) Streptococcus
c) Clostridium Perfringens
d) Clostridium Botulinum
171) Culex tritaenorrhyncus transmits
a) Dengue fever
b) Yellow fever
c) KFD
d) Japanese encephalitis
173) For the disposal of the hospital
refuse, the bag made by cadmium is not used because incineration of the bag
causes poisonous toxic fumes evolution. The color of the bag is
a) Black
b) Red
c) Blue
d) Yellow
174) Berkesonian bias refers to
a) Different rates of admission to the
b) Interviewers bias
175) A 10 year old boy following a road
traffic accident presents to the casualty with contaminated wound over the left
leg. He has received his complete primary immunization before preschool age and
received a booster of DT at school entry age. All of the following can be done
a) Injection of TT
b) Injection of human antiserum
c) Broad spectrum antibiotics
d) Wound debridment and cleaning
176) A malarial survey is conducted in 50
villages having a population of one lakh. Out of 20,000 slides examined, 500
turned out to be malaria positive. The annual parasite index is
a) 20%
b) 5/1000 Population
c) 0.5%
178) For a typhoid endemic country like
India, the immunization of choice is
a) TAB Vaccine
b) typhoral 21A oral vaccine
c) monovalent vaccine
179) Kallu, a 22 yr old male had an outing
with his friends and developed fever of 38.5 degree C, diarrhea and vomiting
following eating chicken salad. 24 hours back, two of his friends developed the
same symptoms. The diagnosis is
a) Salmonella enteritis poisoning
b) Bacillus cereus
c) Staphylococcus aureus
d) Vibrio cholera
180) Simple randomization is done for
a) Every person has an equal and known
chance of selection
181) In a normal distribution curve, the
true statement is
a) Mean = SD
b) Median =SD
c) Mean =2 Median
d)Mean = Mode
182)On prescription of oral pills to the
user, the health worker will ask about the following except
a) Number of live children
b) calf tenderness
c) Headache
d) Swelling of the feet
183) A patient of paucibacillary
tuberculoid leprosy completed 6 months of multidrug therapy. The response to
therapy is good, but the lesion has not healed completely. According to the WHO
criteria , which of the following should be done?
a) Stop treatment and watch
b) Continue the treatment for 6 more months
c) Continue Dapsone for 2 more months
d) Test for drug resistance
184) General fertility rate is a better
measure of fertility than the crude birth rate because
the denominator includes
a) 15-45 years of age female.
b) Midyear population
c) Total woman population
d) Married woman population
185) A patient with sputum positive
pulmonary tuberculosis is on ATT for the last 5 months but the patient is still
positive for AFB in the sputum. This case refers to
a) New case
b) Failure case
c) Relapse case
d) Drug defaulter
186) Under the baby friendly hospital
initiative program, all of the following can be done except
a)Breast feeding started 1-4 hours after
b) Mother and the child are kept together
for 24 hours of the day
c) Feeding on demand
d) Exclusive breast feeding without any
other food is preferred upto 4 months
187) In India. all are direct causes of
maternal mortality except
a) Cardiac disease
b) Eclampsia
c) Hemorrhage
d) Abortion
188) In a group of 100 children, the
weight of a child is 15 Kg. The standard error is 1.5 Kg.
Which one of the following is true
a) 95% of all children weigh between 12
and 18 Kg
b) 95% of all children weigh between 13.5
and 16.5 Kg
c) 99% of all children weigh between 12
and 18 Kg
d) 99% of all children weigh between 13.5
and 16.5 Kg
189) Malaria incidence in a village in the
year 2000 is 430, 500, 410, 160, 270, 210, 300, 350, 4000, 430, 480, 540. Which
of the following is the best indicator for assessment of malaria incidence in
that village by the epidemiologist?
a) Arithmetic mean
b) Geometric mean
c) Median
d) Mode
190) In which of the following are
granulomas not seen
a) Wegeners Granulomatosis
b) Giant cell arteritis
c) Microscopic polyangiiitis
d) Chrug-Strauss vasculitis
1) A 65 year old female Kamala gives the
history of severe unilateral headache on the right side and complains of
blindness since 2 days .On examination there is a thick cord like structure on
the lateral side of the head. The ESR is 80 mm/Hr in the first hour. The most
likely diagnosis is
a) Temporal arteritis b) Migraine c) cluster headache d) sinusitis
Ans (a)
2) A 60 year old man complaining of chest
pain since 6 hrs is diagnosed as acute MI . Angiography showed the involvement
of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery The most probable site of
involvement is
b) Posterior c) Inferior d) Septal
Ans (a)
3) Pulmonary Kerley B lines are seen in
all the following except
(a) Pulmonary edema b) Mitral valve disease c) Interstitial
fibrosis d) Broncho nb alveolar Ca
Ans (d)
4) Infective endocarditis is least likely
to occur in
(a) ASD b)
Small VSD c) MVP d) TOF
Ans (a)
5)In a patient with chronic AF with a
regular beat of 60/min, the most probable cause is
a) sleep
b) digitalis toxicity c) Sino
nodal block d) Hypothyroidism
Ans (b)
6)An HIV positive female has an indurated
ulcer over the tongue. Laboratory findings show growth in cornmeal agar at 20
Degrees, microscopy showing hyphae and growth in human serum at 37 degrees show
budding yeasts. The probable cause is
albicans b)Histoplasmosis c)Blastomycosis d) Coccidiodomycosis
Ans (a)
7) Kallu, a 30 year old man, presented
with subcutaneous itchy nodules over the left iliac crest. On examination, they
are firm, non tender and mobile .Skin snips contain microfilaria and adult
worms of
a) Loa Loa
b) Onchocerca volvulus c) Brugia malayi d) Mansonella perstans
Ans (b)
8)In an ICU patient on invasive
monitoring, all are causes of bacterial sepsis except
a)Orotracheal intubation b)Intra arterial line c)Humidified air
d)Central venous catheter
Ans (c)
9) In Polycythemia vera, all the following
are seen except
a) thrombocytopenia b) increased GI
bleed c) thrombosis d) Transient visual
Ans (a)
10) A stem cell disorder affecting all the
3 cell lines - platelets, RBC’s and leucocytes is
a) Hemolytic anemia b) Paroxysmal cold
haemoglobinuria c) PNH d) Blackfan Diamond syndrome
Ans (c)
11) In beta thalassemia, there is
a) increase in Beta chain , decrease in
Alpha chain b) decrease in Beta chain, increase Alpha chain c) decrease in Beta chain, decrease Alpha
chain d) Increase in Beta chain,
increase Alpha chain
Ans (d)
12) Non caseating granulomas are seen in
all the following except
a) Tuberculosis b) Byssinosis c) Hodgkin’s
Lymphoma d) Metastatic carcinoma of lung
Ans (a)
13) All are paraneoplastic syndromes
a) cerebellar degeneration b) Progressive
Multifocal leukoencephalopathy c) Amyotropic lateral sclerosis d) Opsoclonus
Ans (c)
14) In Burkitts lymphoma, translocation
seen is
a) 12-14 translocation b) 8-14
translocation c)
Ans (b)
15) Ingestion of arsenic causes
a) Hepatic Ca b) Hepatic adenoma c) Noncirrhotic portal
fibrosis d) Hepatic cirrhosis
Ans (c)
16) In malignant hypertension,
hyperplastic angiitis is seen in all except
a) Peripancreatic fat b) Kidney c) Heart
d) Periadrenal fat
Ans (c)
17) In a chronic smoker, a highly
malignant, aggressive and metastatic lung carcinoma is
a) Squamous cell Carcinoma b) Small cell
Carcinoma c) Adenocarcinoma d) Large cell Carcinoma
Ans (b)
18) All are true about Neisseria gonorrhea
a) Gram positive cocci b) causes stricture urethra c) Involves
seminal vesicles and spreads to epididymis
d) drug of choice is Ceftriaxone
Ans (a)
19) A 30 year old male, Kallu, with a
history of sexual exposure comes with a painless indurated ulcer over the penis
with everted margins. The diagnosis is
a) Syphilis b) Chancroid ) LGV d) Granuloma inguinale
Ans (a)
20) All are features of peripheral
neuritis in a patient with Hansens Disease except
a) Predominant sensory involvement b) Decreased tendon reflexes c) Mutilations d)
Ans (b)
21) A 32 year old male, Kallu, who
recently visited a sea coast presented with an ulcer over the left leg. The
probable cause is
Pasturella multocida b) Micrococcus halophilus
c) Vibrio vulnificus d)
Ans (a)
22) An 8 year old boy, Kallu, is brought
to the casualty with a history of consuming something while playing outside in
a play ground. On examination, there was altered sensorium, hyperpyrexia,
dilated pupils. Most probable cause is
a) Dhatura poisoning b) Organophosphorus poisoning c) Parthenium
poisoning d) Barbiturate poisoning
Ans (a)
23) All the following viruses cause
stomach and colon cancer except
a) H pylori b) EB virus c) HBV d) HIV
Ans (c)
24) Which of the following is
pathognomonic of renal disease
a) Hyaline casts b) coarse granular casts c) cystine oxalate crystals d) epithelial
Ans (c)
25) Hypoglycemia is seen in
a) Acromegaly b) Cushings syndrome c) Hypothyroidism d) Hypopitutarism
Ans (d)
26) A 76 year old male comes with a
history of frequent falls and difficulty in looking downwards and laterally.
The diagnosis is
a) Alzheimer’s disease b) Supranuclear palsy c) Amyotropic lateral sclerosis d) Oculomotor
nerve palsy
Ans (b)
27) The commonest side effect of cisplatin
in a patient using it for esophageal carcinoma is
a) ATN b) Thrombocytopenia c) Hepatic failure d) Cardiomyopathy
Ans (a)
28) The most common late CNS complication
of HIV is
Dementia b) Ataxia c) Seizures
d) Delirium
Ans (a)
29) In a patient with acute liver failure,
the best prognostic indicator is
a) Serum albumin b) Serum AFP
c) Serum bilirubin d) Factor V
Ans (d)
30) The commonest hepatotropic virus
causing increased chronic carrier state is
a) HEV
b) HAV c) HBV d) HCV
Ans (d)
31) Regarding Addisonian pigmentation, all
are true except
a) involves moles and scars b) involves palmar creases c) does not involve oral mucosa d) involves sole pads
Ans (c)
32) In an HIV positive patient with
tuberculosis, all are true except
a) decreased cavitation b) increased sputum positivity c) highly variable tuberculin test d) decreased fibrosis
Ans (b)
33) In essential hypertension, changes
seen in the heart are
a) cardiac cell hyperplasia b) cardiac cell hypertrophy c) increase in the mitochondrial number d)
Ans (b)
34) In a 32 year old male presenting with
the following blood chemistry : Na+ 135, K+ 5.0, HCO3-
14.0, Cl- 116, PO4 5.0, SO4 5.0, Mg 2.0,
Ca 8.0, the anion gap is
a) 10
b) 15 c) 13 d) 20
Ans (a)
35) Pyramidal tract involvement with
absent ankle jerk is seen in
a) Frederick’s ataxia b) Subacute combined degeneration of the
spinal cord c) Lathyrism d) Tabes dorsalis
Ans (b)
36) A patient with BHP underwent TURP and
developed altered sensorium. The cause is
a) Hyponatremia b) Hypernatremia c) Hypomagnesemia d) Hypokalemia
Ans (a)
37) A patient of BHP underwent TURP under
bupivacaine spinal anesthesia. One hour later, he developed nausea, vomiting
and altered sensorium. The cause possibly is
a) Hypernatremia b) Water intoxication c) Bupivacaine overdose d) Rupture Bladder
Ans (b)
38) Neuroblastoma differs from Wilm’s
tumor radiologically by all except
a) same location b) intraspinal extension c) calcification d) aorta and IVC are not eroded but pushed
Ans (d)
39) A 60 year old male, Kallu, on CT scan
was found to have a solid tumor involving the inferior vena cava and renal
vein. The tumor was within the Gerota’s fascia. All the following can be done
a) chest X-ray to rule out pulmonary
metastasis b) pre-operative radiotherapy
is not favorable c) IVC invasion is
inoperable d) pre-operative biopsy is not indicated
Ans (c)
40) A male patient, Kamal, aged 50 years
presents with gradually progressive hard scrotal swelling on the right side.
All the following can be done except
a) inguinal exploration b) chest Xray to
rule out pulmonary metastasis c) CT abdomen
d) biopsy through the scrotal skin
Ans (d)
41) Orhcidectomy is done in all the
following except
a) male breast cancer b) filarial
epididymo-orchitis c) seminoma testes d) prostate cancer
Ans (b)
42) The treatment of choice in congenital
hydrocele is
a) Eversion of the sac b) Excision of the
sac c) Herniotomy d) Lord’s procedure
Ans (c)
43) In a patient with pheochromocytoma,
all the following are seen except
a) diarrhea b) orthostatic hypotension c) episodic hypertension d) weight gain
Ans (d)
44) Splenectomy is done in all the
following except
a) splenic abscess b) hereditary spherocytosis c) sickle cell anemia d) myelofibrosis
Ans (c)
45) A patient with recurrent attacks of
cholelithiasis had, on ultrasound examination , a dilated CBD of 1 cm. The next
best line in management is
a) ERCP b) PTC c) intravenous cholangiogram d) cholecystostomy
Ans (a)
46) A 40 year old male, Kallu, a chronic
alcoholic, diagnosed as cirrhosis presents with a lump in the right lobe of the
liver. Serum AFP levels are not elevated. The diagnosis is
a) fibrohyperplasia b) hepatocellular carcinoma c) hepatocellular adenoma d)secondary from carcinoma colon
Ans (a)
47) A 60 year old male diagnosed to have
carcinoma stomach had, on CT scan of the abdomen, a mass measuring 4x4 cm in
the antrum with involvement of celiac nodes and right gastric nodes. The
management of choice is
a) palliative b) subtotal gastrectomy c) total gastrectomy d) chemotherapy and radiotherapy
Ans (b)
48) A 70 year old male, Kamal, presents
with lower GI bleed for the last 6 months. On sigmoidoscopic examination, there
is a hard non-obstructing mass of 4 cms about 3 cms above the anal verge. The
treatment of choice is
a) anterior resection b) abdominoperineal
resection c) defunctioning
anastomosis d) colostomy
Ans (b)
49) A 14 year old girl, Salu, a regular
swimmer presents with sudden onset of pain abdomen, abdominal distension and fever
of 390, but without obliteration of the liver dullness. The
diagnosis is
a) ruptured typhoid ulcer b) ruptured ectopic pregnancy c) primary bacterial peritonitis d) UTI with PID
Ans (c)
50) Left sided pulmonary hypertension is
best treated by
a) splenectomy b) central
spleno-renal shunt c) portocaval
shunt d) distal lienorenal shunt
Ans (b)
51) A 28 year old male, Mallu, a chronic
alcoholic, presents with sudden onset of epigastric pain that is radiating to
the back. All the following can be seen except
a) hypocalcemia b) increased serum
amylase c) low serum lipase d) increased LDH
Ans (c)
52) A 28 year old male patient is brought
to the casualty with severe hypotension following a car accident. On
examination no external bleed or injuries are seen. The cause of hypotension is
a) intrathoracic and abdominal bleed b) fracture rib c) intracranial bleed d) neurogenic shock
Ans (a)
53) On prenatal ultrasound examination,
the diagnostic feature of congenital diaphragmatic hernia is
a) absence of gas bubble under the
diaphragm b) mediastinal shift with
normal heart axisc) peristalsis in the thoracic cavity d) a cyst behind the left atrium
Ans (c)
54) A 40 year old male, Kallu, a chronic
smoker, presents with claudication and a medial leg ulcer. For the past one
month, he gives a history of rest pain. All the following can be used to
relieve the rest pain except
a) Omentoplexy b) conservative amputation c) lumbar sympathectomy d) femoropopliteal bypass
Ans (c)
55) A male patient aged 30 years following
a road traffic accident presents with fracture of 4th to 10th
ribs and respiratory distress. He is diagnosed to have flail chest and PaO2
is < 60%. The treatment of choice is
a) fixation of ribs b) strapping of the
chest c) IPPV with oral intubation d) tracheostomy
Ans (c)
56) A post-operative patient presents with
duodenal leak and peritonitis with massive contamination. The appropriate
management of choice is
a) duodenostomy + feeding jejunostomy +
peritoneal lavage b) total parenteral
nutritionc) duodenojejunostomy d) four quadrant peritoneal lavage
Ans (a)
57) A 52 year old male executive is seen
in the casualty with hypotension, vomiting bright red blood at home and in the
hospital. There is no previous suggestive history. The estimated blood loss is
around 2 liters. The diagnosis is
a) esophageal varices b) gastritis
c) duodenal ulcer d)
Mallory-Weiss tear
Ans (c)
58) All are true about the right kidney
a) it is related to the duodenum b) it is lower than the left kidney c) the right renal vein is shorter than the
left d) right kidney is preferred over
the left for transplantation
Ans (d)
59) Grade IV esophageal varices, on barium
swallow appears as
thick band b) mucosal folds above the
carina c) mucosal folds below the
Ans (?)
60) A female patient presents with
pigmentation of the lips and oral mucosa and colonic polyps. Her sister also
has the same history. The diagnosis is
a) Peutz-Jeghers’ syndrome b) Carcinoid
c) melanoma d) villous adenoma
Ans (a)
61) The commonest site of carcinoma
prostate is
Transitional zone b) Central zone c) Peripheral zone d) Anterior zone
Ans (c)
62) Dissociative sensory loss is seen with
a) Tabes
dorsalis b) Syringomyelia c)
Ans (b)
63) In a patient with raised IgA levels,
the commonest finding is
a) proteinuria b) GI bleed c) hematuria
d) hypertension
Ans (c)
64) In a patient with choledochal cyst,
bile diversion into the small intestine is contraindicated because of risk of
a) malignancy b) recurrent cholangitis c) pancreatitis d) increased gall stones
Ans (a)
65) Thyrotoxicosis differs from malignant
hyperthermia by
a) muscle rigidity b) CPK
c) hypothermia d)
Ans (b)
66) In a female with sudden onset of
severe headache, on CT, a diagnosis of subarachnoid hemorrhage was made. The
most common site of subarachnoid hemorrhage is
a) subdural venous sinuses b) middle
meningeal artery c) Berry aneurysm
rupture d) basilar artery
Ans (c)
67) Chamavati, a 30 year old female from
rural Assam with a history of chronic tobacco chewing since 15 years of age,
presents with difficulty in opening the mouth. On oral examination, no ulcer is
seen. The diagnosis is
a) non-ulcerative carcinoma of buccal
mucosa b) submucous oral fibrosis c)Temporomandibular joint arthritis
Ans (b)
68) A 40 year old female patient,
Chamavati, presents with a lump that is gradually increasing in the parotid
region. On oral examination, the tonsil was pushed medially. On biopsy,
pleomorphic adenoma was diagnosed. The appropriate treatment is
a) Superficial parotidectomy b)
Lumpectomy c) Enucleation d) Conservative total dissection
Ans (a)
69) A female patient, 45 years of age,
with a family history of breast carcinoma showed diffuse microcalcification on
mammography. On biopsy, intraductal carcinoma in situ was found. The
appropriate management is
a) simple mastectomy b) quadrantectomy c) radical mastectomy with axillary
sampling d) chemotherapy with CMF regime
Ans (c)
70) Tram track appearance on CT scan of
the head is seen in
a) Sturge Weber syndrome b) von Hippel Lindau disease c) Tuberous sclerosis d) neurofibroma
Ans (a)
71) A patient presents with minimal
pleural effusion on the right side. The best method to detect this would be
a) right side chest Xray b) Left sided
chest Xray c) Left lateral decubitus
chest Xray d) Right lateral decubitus
chest Xray
Ans (d)
72) A 40 year old farmer with a history of
recurrent attacks of porphyria complains of itching when exposed to the sun and
maculopapular rash on sun-exposed areas. His symptoms are exaggerated in the
summer. The diagnosis is
a) Seborrheic dermatitis b) Contact
dermatitis c) Psoriasis d) Porphyria cutanea tarda
Ans (d)
73) An 8 year old boy presents with a well
defined annular lesion over the buttock with central scarring that is gradually
progressing over the last 8 months. The diagnosis is
a) annular psoriasis b) lupus vulgaris c) tinea corporis d)
Ans (b)
74) In adult polycystic kidney, all are
true except
Cysts are seen in the liver, spleen and the pancreas b) Hematuria
c) Hypertension is rare d) Autosomal dominant
transmission is seen
Ans (c)
75) In thymoma, all are seen except
a) red cell
aplasia b) hyperalbuminemia c)
hypogammaglobulinemia d) myasthenia
Ans (b)
76) An adult presents with oval scaly
hypopigmented macules over the chest and the back. The diagnosis is
a) Leprosy
b) Lupus vulgaris c) Pityriasis
versicolor d) Lichen planus
Ans (c)
77) The characteristic nail finding in
lichen planus is
a) pitting b) pterygium c) Beau’s lines d) Hyperpigmentation of the nails
Ans (b)
78) In an 8 day old child with no history
of consanguinity in the parents, the mother reports blisters and peeling off of
the skin at the site of handling and pressure. There was a similar history in
the previous child which proved to be fatal. The diagnosis is
a)Bullous pemphigoid b) Congenital syphilis c) Congenital epidermolysis bullosa d)etterer-Siwe disease
Ans (b/d)
79) The most common complication of
hypermature sclerotic cataract is
a) dislocation of the lens b) phakomorphic glaucoma c) uveitis
Ans (a)
80) A 14 year old boy complains of pain
during reading . On examination, his both eyes are normal and vision with non
Snellen’s reading is 6/5. He still complains of pain on occluding one eye. The diagnosis
myopia b) pseudomyopia c) hyperopia
d) emmetropia
Ans (b)
81) A 16 year old boy complains of pain in
the right eye. After refractometry , he was prescribed a + 3.5 D sphere lens.
The cover test is normal. There is no heterophoria. The diagnosis is
a) organic amblyopia b) anisometric amblyopia c) emmetropic amblyopia d) toxic amblyopia
Ans (?)
82) A patient complains of pain in both
eyes with congestion, blurring of vision, photophobia and mucopurulent
discharge since one day. Many cases have been reported from the same community.
The causative agent is probably
adenovirus b) enterovirus 70 c) herpes simplex d)
Ans (b)
83) A male patient with a history of
hypermature cataract presents with a 2 day history of ciliary congestion,
photophobia, blurring of vision and on examination has a deep anterior chamber
in the right eye. The left eye is normal. The diagnosis is
a) phakomorphic glaucoma b) phakolytic glaucoma c) phakotoxic glaucoma d)phakoanaphylactic uveitis
Ans (d)
84) A 60 year old male patient operated
for cataract 6 months back now complains of floaters and sudden loss of vision.
The diagnosis is
a) vitreous hemorrhage b) retinal
detachment c) central retinal artery occlusion d) cystoid macular edema
Ans (a)
85) A 12 year old boy presents with
recurrent attacks of conjunctivitis for the last 2 years with intense itching
and ropy discharge. The diagnosis is
a) vernal conjunctivitis b) phlyctenular conjunctivitis c) trachoma
d) viral conjunctivitis
Ans (a)
86) A 25 year old lady presents with
severe sudden onset of pain, corneal congestion, photophobia and deep anterior
chamber in the right eye. The left eye is normal. Xray pelvis shows
sacroiliitis. The diagnosis is
a) anterior uveitis b) posterior uveitis c) intermediate uveitis d) scleritis
Ans (a)
87) A 30 day old neonate was presented
with a history of photophobia and excessive lacrimation. On examination, both
the lacrimal duct systems are normal, but there was a large cornea and corneal
haziness. The diagnosis is
a) megalocornea b) keratoconus c) congenital glaucoma d) Hunter’s syndrome
Ans (c)
88) In high spinal anesthesia, seen are
a) hypotension and bradycardia b) hypotension and Tachycardia c) hypertension and bradycardia d) hypertension and tachycardia
Ans (a)
89) A patient selected for surgery who was
induced with thiopentone i.v through one of the antecubital veins complains of
severe pain of the whole hand. The next line of management is
a) give i.v propofol through the same
needle b) give i.v ketamine through the
same needle c) give i.v lignocaine
through the same needle d) leave it
Ans (c)
90) A patient who was on aspirin for a
long period was selected for an elective surgery. What should be done?
a) stop aspirin for 7 days b) infusion of
fresh frozen plasma c) infusion of
platelet concentrate d) go ahead with
the surgery maintaining adequate hemostasis
Ans (a)
91) A patient in the ICU was on invasive
monitoring with intraarterial cannulation through the right radial artery for
the last 3 days. Later, he developed swelling and discoloration of the right
hand. The next line of management is
a) stellate ganglion block b) brachial block c) radial nerve block on the same side d) application of lignocaine jelly over the
Ans (a)
92) A 3 year old child with severe
sensorineural deafness was prescribed hearing aids, but shows no improvement.
The next line of management is
a) cochlear implant b) fenestration surgery c) stapes mobilization d)
Ans (a)
93) A 4 year old girl diagnosed as having
multiple juvenile papillamotosis of the larynx presents to the casualty with
mild respiratory distress. The next line of management is
a) tracheostomy b) microlaryngoscopy c) broad spectrum antibiotics d) systemic steroids
Ans (b)
94) A 28 year old female presents to the
casualty with gradually increasing respiratory distress since 4 days. She gives
history of hospitalization and mechanical ventilation with orotracheal
intubation for 2 weeks. Now, she was diagnosed as having severe tracheal
stenosis. The next line of management is
a) tracheal resection and end to end
anastomosis b) tracheal dilatation c) systemic steroids d)laser excision and stent insertion
Ans (d)
95) A 30 year old male, following excision
of the 3rd molar for dental caries presents with trismus, fever of
39.50 and swelling pushing the tonsil medially and spreading
laterally posterior to the middle sternocleidomastoid. The diagnosis is
a) parapharyngeal abscess b) retropharyngeal abscess c) Ludwig’s angina d) submental abscess
Ans (a)
96) A 20 year old male, following a road
traffic accident was brought to the casualty. His right leg is shortened, internally
rotated and adducted. The diagnosis is
a) fracture neck of femur b) anterior
dislocation of the hip c) posterior
dislocation of the hip
d) trochanteric fracture of the femur
Ans (c)
97) An 8 year old boy presents with a
gradually progressing swelling and pain since 6 months over the upper tibia. On
Xray, there is a lytic lesion with sclerotic margins in the upper tibial
metaphysis. The diagnosis is
a) Osteogenic sarcoma b) Osteoclastoma c) Brodie’s abscess d) Ewing’s sarcoma
Ans (c)
98) An 8 year old boy with a history of
fall from 10 feet height complains of pain in the right ankle. Xrays taken at
that time are normal without any fracture line. But after 2 years, he developed
a calcaneovalgus deformity. The diagnosis is
a) undiagnosed malunited fracture b) avascular necrosis talus c) tibial epiphyseal injury
Ans (c)
99) A 6 year old boy has a history of
recurrent dislocation of the right shoulder . On examination, the orthopedician
puts the patient in the supine position and abducts his arm to 90 degrees with
the bed as the fulcrum and then externally rotates it but the boy does not
allow the test to be performed. The test done by the orthopedician is
a) apprehension test b) sulcus test c)
Ans (a)
100) Regarding bone remodelling, all are
true except
a) osteoclastic activity at the
compression site b) osteoclastic activity at the tension site c) osteoclastic activity and osteoblastic
activity are both needed for bone remodelling in cortical and cancellous
bones d) osteoblasts transforms into
Ans (?)
101) A child is spinned around
by his father by holding both hands. While doing this the child started crying
and does not allow his father to touch his elbow.The diagnosis is
a) pulled elbow b) radial head dislocation c) Annular ligament tear d) Fracture olecranon process
Ans (a)
102)The structures piercing the
clavipectoral fascia are all except:
a) Cephalic vein b) Thoraco acromial artery c) Lateral pectoral nerve d) Lateral pectoral artery
Ans (d)
103) Crossed oculomotor palsy is seen in
occlusion of
a) Anterior cerebral artery b) Middle cerebral artery c) Posterior cerebral artery d) Superior cerebral artery
Ans (c)
104) Erection of penis is mediated by all
the following except
a) Nervi erigentes b) Pudendal nerve c) Sacral plexus d) Hypogastric plexus
Ans (d)
105) Active transport of chemicals across
the cell membrane is mediated by:
a) Channel
protein b) Carrier protein c) G protein
d) Na+- K+ ATPase.
Ans (b)
106) In a patient with respiratory rate of
14/min, tidal volume of 500 ml with a vital capacity 7000ml, the alveolar
ventilation/minute is
a) 2000 ml
b) 4900ml c) 7000ml d) 7700ml.
Ans (b)
107) During sigmoidoscopy, if the rectum
is inflated with gas, increased peristalsis is seen in
a) Whole intestine b) Distal colon c) Proximal colon d) Whole colon
Ans (?)
108) In an unacclimatised person suddenly
exposed to cold, the physiological effect seen is
a) Hypertension b) Tachycardia c) Shift of blood from shell to core d) Non shivering thermogenesis
Ans (?)
109) Spuriously high BP is noted in all
the following except
a) Obesity
b) Thick calcified vessels c)
Small cuff d) Auscultatory gap
Ans (a)
110) Cerebellar herniation presents with
all the following except
a) Loss of consciousness b) Autonomic disturbances c) Neck stiffness d) Pupil dilatation
Ans (c)
111) Positive feedback is seen in all the
following except
a) LH Surge b) Stimulation of the gastric
secretion by histamine and gastrin c)
thrombolytic activity in the coagulation cascade d) Entry of Ca into the sarcoplasmic
Ans (d)
112)Vitamin K is needed for the post
translational modification of
a) Carboxylation b) Methylation c) Hydroxylation d) Transketolation
Ans (a)
113) Amber codon refers to
a) Initiating codon b) Mutant codon c) Stop codon
d) Codon coding for multiple amino acids
Ans (?)
114) At physiological pH, the most stable
amino acid is
a) Histidine
b) Lysine c) Arginine d) Leucine
Ans (a)
115) In cystinuria, amino acids excreted
are all the following except:
a) Ornithine b) Arginine
c Lysine d) Histidine
Ans (d)
116) Dietary triglycerides are transported
Chylomicrons b) LDL c) VLDL
d) HDL
Ans (a)
117) In which of the following reaction,
thiamine is not used
a) Alpha ketoglutarate to succinyl
CoA b) Glucose to pentose c) Oxidative decarboxylation of Alpha keto
amino acids d) Lactate to pyruvate
Ans (d)
118) In chromatography, mass movement of
the substances is seen in
a) Electrophoresis b) Diffusion
c) Osmosis d) Paper
Ans (a)
119) The type of chromatography in which
proteins are bound to another substance is
a) Hydrophobic chromatography b) Absorption ( Affinity ) chromatography
Ans (b)
120) The end-product of citric acid cycle
used in detoxification of ammonia in brain is
a) Oxaloacetate b) Alpha keto glutarate c) Succinate
d) Citrate
Ans (b)
121) Right parietal lobe lesions cause all
the following except
a) ideomotor apraxia b) Self neglect
Ans (?)
122) Investigation of choice for blood
grouping in old blood stain on the cloth is
a) Precipitin test b) Benzidine test c) Acid dilution test d) Hemin crystals
Ans (d)
123) Interleukin secreted by the
macrophages stimulating lymphocytes is
a) IL 1 b) INF Alpha
c) TNF Alpha d) IL 6
Ans (a)
124) Following injection of lymphokines,
the same class of immunoglobulins are produced. This is referred to as
a) Clonal selection b) Class switching c) d)
Ans (a)
125) A patient receiving allopurinol
requires dose reduction of
a) 6 mercapto purine b) cyclophosphamide c) Azathioprine d) Cimetidine
Ans (a)
126) An elderly hypertensive has diabetes
mellitus and bilateral renal artery stenosis. The best management is
a) Enalapril b) Verapamil
c) Beta blockers d) Thiazides
Ans (a)
127) A female suffering from psychosis,
taking phenothiazines now complains of sudden onset of high grade fever, muscle
rigidity and altered sensorium. The diagnosis is
a) Malignant hyperthermia b) Neuroleptic malignant syndrome c) Tardive dyskinesia d)akathesia
Ans (b)
128) A patient on cisapride for Barrets
ulcer suffers from pneumonia. The physician prescribes erythromycin. Which of
the following is the correct statement
a) Increase the dose of cisapride
needed b) Increase the dose of
erythromycin needed c) Increased risk of
Ventricular arrythmias present d)
Decreased bioavailability of cisapride
Ans (c)
129) A 60 year old male comes to the
casualty with acute retention of urine since 12 hours. On examination there was
distended bladder . His son gives a history of taking some drugs by the patient
since 2 days as he is suffering from depression . The most likely drug is
a) Amitryptiline b) Chlorpromazine c) Haloperidol d)
Ans (a)
130) Kallu, a 22 year old male suffers
from decreased sleep, increased sexual activity , excitement and spending
excessive money excessively for the past 8 days. The diagnosis is
a) Acute mania b) Acute psychosis c) Schizophrenia d) Psychosexual disorder
Ans (a)
131) Rathi, a 26 year old female diagnosed
to be suffering from depression now for the past 2 days had suicidal
tendencies, thoughts and ideas. The best treatment is
a) Amitryptiline b) Selegiline c) Haloperidol + Chlorpromazine d) ECT
Ans (d)
132) Kallu, a 22 year old single unmarried
man is suffering from sudden onset of 3rd person hallucinations for
the past 2 weeks. He is suspicious of his family members and had decreased
sleep and appetite. The diagnosis is
a) Schizophrenia b) Acute psychosis c) Acute mania d) Delirium
Ans (b)
133) A 60 year old male suffering from
auditory hallucinations is says that people staying upstairs are talking about
him and conspiring against him. He dropped a police complaint against them but
the allegations were proved to be wrong. The diagnosis is
a) Schizophrenia b) Depression c) Dementia
d) Delusional disorder
Ans (a)
134) In India the commonest cause of
juvenile onset of DM is
b) Fibrocalcific pancreatopathy
c) Gall stones d) IDDM
Ans (b)
135) A neonate has central cyanosis and
short systolic murmur on the 2nd day of birth. The diagnosis is
a) TGV
b) TOF c) VSD d) ASD
Ans (a)
136) An 8 year old female child following
URTI developed maculopapular rash on the face spreading onto the trunk which
cleared on the 3rd day without desquamation and tender post
auricular and suboccipital lymphadenopathy. The diagnosis is
a) Measles b) Rubella
c) Erythema infectiosum d)
Kawasaki disease(Mucocutaneous LN Syndrome)
Ans (b)
137) A 4 month old HIV positive child
following URTI ,developed sudden onset of breathlessness. The chest Xray shows
hyperinflation. The O2 saturation was greater than 90%. The treatment of choice
a) Nebulized acyclovir b) i.v Ganciclovir c) Ribavirin
d) Cotrimoxazole
Ans (c)
138) All of the following are features of
systemic juvenile Rheumatoid arthritis except
a) Rash
b) fever c) Hepato
Splenomegaly d) Uveitis
Ans (d)
139)A child climbs with alternate steps ,
builds a tower of 8-9 cubes , tells “I” but not his name and cannot say his age
and sex. The probable age is
a) 24 Months b) 36 Months
c) 30 Months d) 48 Months
Ans (c)
140) A child suffering from acute diarrhea
is brought to the casualty and is diagnosed as having severe dehydration with
pH of 7.23 , Serum Na -125 , Serum K- 3 , Hco3 16. The best IV fluid of choice
a) 3% saline b) Normal saline c) N/3 saline + 10 % dextrose d) N/3 saline + 5% dextrose
Ans (?)
141) A child with recent onset of URTI
after 2 days presents with acute onset of breathlessness, cough and fever. All
of the following can be given except
a) Antibiotics b) Antipyretics c) O2 inhalation d) Morphine
Ans (d)
142)A 6 month old child having severe
dehydration comes to the casualty with weak pulse and unrecordable BP. Repeated
attempts in gaining IV access has failed. The next best step is
a) Venesection b) Jugular vein catheterization c) Intraosseous IV Fluids d) Try again
Ans (c)
143) A 6 year old child with acute onset
of fever of 104 F developed febrile seizures and was treated. To avoid future
recurrence of seizure attacks what should be given
a) IV diazepam infusion over 12 Hrs b)
Paracetamol 400 mg + Phenobarbitone daily
c)pararacetamol 400 mg 6th Hrly d) Oral diazepam 6th Hrly
Ans (c)
144 ) An 8 year old child suffering from
recurrent attacks of polyuria since childhood presents to the paediatrics OPD.
On examination, the child is short statured, vitals and BP are normal. Serum Cr
6 Mg %, HCO3 16 mEq , Na 134, K 4.2 On USG bilateral small kidneys The most
likely diagnosis is
a) Polycystic Kidney disease b) Medullary cystic Kidney disease c) Nephronophthisis d) Reflux nephropathy
Ans (c)
145) A 40 year old male presents with
recurrent bouts of vomiting since 9 months because of pyloric obstruction. The compensatory
biochemical change is
a) Respiratory acidosis b) Respiratory
alkalosis c) Metabolic acidosis d) Paradoxical aciduria with hypo natremia
and hypo chloremia
Ans (d)
146)A diabetic female at 40 weeks of
pregnancy delivered a baby by elective CS. Soon after birth the baby developed
respiratory distress. The diagnosis is
a) Hyaline membrane disease b) Transient tachypnea of the newborn c) Congenital diaphragmatic hernia d) Tracheo esophageal fistula
Ans (a)
147)All are prognostic indicators of PIH
a) Serum Uric acid b) Low platelets c) Serum Na
d) Elevated liver enzymes
Ans (c)
148) In a woman on subdermal progesterone
implant , the menstrual abnormality seen is
Amenorrhea b) Menorrhagia c) Metrorrhagia d) Polymenorrhoea
Ans (c)
149) Kalavathi ,a 29 year old nulliparous
woman complains of severe menorrhagia and lower abdominal pain since 3 months.
On examination, there is a 14 weeks size uterus with fundal fibroid . The
treatment of choice is
a) Wait and watch b) Myomectomy c) GnRH analogues d) Hysterectomy
Ans (c)
150) A pregnant lady in the first
trimester presented with random blood glucose of 177 mg /dl The treatment is
a) Insulin b) glipizide
c) Phenformin d) Sulfonylurea
Ans (a)
151) In a non-diabetic high risk
pregnancy, the ideal time for NST monitoring is
a) 24 Hrs
b) 48 Hrs c) 72 Hrs d) 96 Hrs
Ans (?)
152) A woman comes with postdated
pregnancy at 42 weeks. The initial evaluation should be
a) USG
b) Induction of labor c) Review
previous menstrual history d)
Ans (c)
153) In pregnancy, the most common cause
of transient Diabetes Insipidus is
a) Severe pre-eclampsia b) Multiple pregnancy c) d)
Ans (a)
154) A 26 year old nulliparous woman is on oral contraceptive pills. She is
currently diagnosed as having pulmonary tuberculosis. Which anti-tuberculous
drug decreases the effect of OCP’s?
a) Rifampicin b) INH
c) Pyrazinamide d) Ethambutol
Ans (a)
155) The drug that inhibits uterine
contractility causing pulmonary edema is
a) Ritodrin b )Nifedipine
c) indomethacin d) Atabusin
Ans (a)
156) Post-coital test detects all of the
following except
a) Sperm count b) Sperm abnormality c) Fallopian tube block d) Cervical factor abnormality
Ans (c)
157) A 48 year old female suffering from
severe menhorragia (DUB) underwent hysterectomy. She wishes to take hormone
replacement therapy. Physical examination and breast are normal, but x ray
shows osteoporosis. The treatment of choice is
a) Estrogen b) Progesterone c) Estrogen-Progesterone d) None
Ans (a/c)
158) A pregnant female, 38 years old, had
a child with Downs syndrome. How do you assess the risk of Down’s asyndrome in
the present pregnancy?
a) Chorionic villus biopsy b) Maternal alpha feto protein levels c) Maternal hCG d) USG
Ans (a)
159) A 28 year old female with a history
of 8 weeks amenorrhea complains of vaginal bleeding and lower abdominal pain.
On USG examination, there is gestational sac with absent fetal parts. The
diagnosis is
(a) corpus luteum cyst b) ectopic pregnancy c) Incarcerated abortion d)Threatened abortion
Ans (c)
160)Kamla, a 48 year old lady underwent
hysterectomy. On the seventh day, she developed fever, burning micturiton and
urinary dribbling . She can also pass urine voluntarily. The diagnosis is
a) uretero-vaginal fistula b) vesico-vaginal fistula c) Urge incontinence d) Stress incontinence
Ans (a)
161)A patient treated for infertility with
clomiphene citrate presents with sudden onset of abdominal pain and distension
with ascites. The probable cause is
a) Hyperstimulation syndrome b) Uterine rupture c) Ectopic pregnancy rupture d) Multi fetal pregnancy
Ans (a)
162) A woman at 8 months of pregnancy
complains of abdominal pain and slight vaginal bleed. On examination, the
uterine size is above the expected date with absent fetal heart sounds. The
diagnosis is
a) Hydramnios b)Uterine rupture c) concealed hemorrhage d) active labor
Ans (c)
163) In a woman having a previous history
of Caesarian section, all of the following are indications for trial labor
a) Occipito posterior position b) fetal distress c) breech presentation d) Mid pelvic contraction
Ans (b)
164) All are indicators for the assessment
of the nutritional program except
a) Weight and height of the preschool
child b) Prevalence of low Birth weight
less than 2.5 kg in community c) Nutritional
assessment of the preschool child d)
Prevalence of pregnant mothers having Hb < 11.5 g% in the 3rd
Ans (d)
165) A concept directed against prevention
of risk factors of CAD is
a) Primordial prevention b) Secondary prevention c) Health education d) Primary prevention
Ans (a)
166) In a community, the specificity of
ELISA is 99% and sensitivity is 99%. The prevalance of the disease is 5/1000.
Then, the positive predictive value of the test is
a) 33%
b) 67% c) 75% d) 99%
Ans (a)
167) In a village of 1 lakh population,
among 20000 exposed to smoking, 200 developed cancer , and among 40000 people
unexposed, 40 developed cancer. The relative risk of smoking in the development
of cancer is
a) 20 b)
c) 5 d)15
Ans (b)
168) A person wants to visit a malaria
endemic area of low level chloroquine resistant falciparum malaria. The best
chemoprophylaxis is
a) Chloroquine b) Proguanil + Chloroquine c) Sulfadoxine + pyrimethamine d) Mefloquine
Ans (d)
169) A 35 year old male suffering from
sudden onset of high grade fever. On malarial slide examination, all stages of
the parasite are seen with schizonts of 20 microns size with 14-20 merozoites
per cell and yellow brown pigment. The diagnosis is
a) Plasmodium falciparum b) Plasmodium vivax c) Plasmodium malariae d) Plasmodium ovale
Ans (b)
170) A child after consuming food in a
party complaints of vomiting and diarrhea within 1-5 hours. The diagnosis is
a) Staphylococcus aureus b) Streptococcus c) Clostridium Perfringens d) Clostridium Botulinum
Ans (a)
171) Culex tritaenorrhyncus transmits
a) Dengue fever b) Yellow fever c) KFD
d) Japanese encephalitis
Ans (b)
172) For the disposal of the hospital
refuse, the bag made by cadmium is not used because incineration of the bag
causes poisonous toxic fumes evolution. The color of the bag is
a) Black
b) Red c) Blue d) Yellow
Ans (?)
173) Berkesonian bias refers to
a) Different rates of admission to the
hospital b) Interviewers bias
Ans (?)
174) A 10 year old boy following a road
traffic accident presents to the casualty with contaminated wound over the left
leg. He has received his complete primary immunization before preschool age and
received a booster of DT at school entry age. All of the following can be done
a) Injection of TT b) Injection of human antiserum c) Broad spectrum antibiotics d) Wound debridment and cleaning
Ans (a)
175) A malarial survey is conducted in 50
villages having a population of one lakh. Out of 20,000 slides examined, 500
turned out to be malaria positive. The annual parasite index is
a) 20% b) 5/1000 Population c) 0.5%
Ans (b)
176) For a typhoid endemic country like
India, the immunization of choice is
a) TAB Vaccine b) typhoral 21A oral vaccine c) monovalent vaccine d)
Ans (b)
177) Kallu, a 22 yr old male had an outing
with his friends and developed fever of 38.5 degree C, diarrhea and vomiting
following eating chicken salad. 24 hours back, two of his friends developed the
same symptoms. The diagnosis is
a) Salmonella enteritis poisoning b) Bacillus cereus c) Staphylococcus aureus d) Vibrio cholera
Ans (?)
178) Simple randomization is done for
a) Every person has an equal and known
chance of selection
Ans (c)
179) In a normal distribution curve, the
true statement is
a) Mean = SD b) Median =SD
c) Mean =2 Median d)Mean = Mode
Ans (a)
180)On prescription of oral pills to the
user, the health worker will ask about the following except
a) Number of live children b) calf tenderness c) Headache
d) Swelling of the feet
Ans (a)
181) A patient of paucibacillary
tuberculoid leprosy completed 6 months of multidrug therapy. The response to
therapy is good, but the lesion has not healed completely. According to the WHO
criteria , which of the following should be done?
a) Stop treatment and watch b) Continue
the treatment for 6 more months c)
Continue Dapsone for 2 more months d)
Test for drug resistance
Ans (a)
182) General fertility rate is a better
measure of fertility than the crude birth rate because the denominator includes
a) 15-45 years of age female. b) Midyear
population c) Total woman
population d) Married woman population
Ans (a)
183) A patient with sputum positive
pulmonary tuberculosis is on ATT for the last 5 months but the patient is still
positive for AFB in the sputum. This case refers to
a) New case b) Failure case c) Relapse case d) Drug defaulter
Ans (a)
184) Under the baby friendly hospital
initiative program, all of the following can be done except
a)Breast feeding started 1-4 hours after
birth b) Mother and the child are kept
together for 24 hours of the day c)
Feeding on demand d) Exclusive breast
feeding without any other food is preferred upto 4 months
Ans (a)
185) In India. all are direct causes of
maternal mortality except
a) Cardiac disease b) Eclampsia
c) Hemorrhage d) Abortion
Ans (5)
186) In a group of 100 children, the
weight of a child is 15 Kg. The standard error is 1.5 Kg.Which one of the
following is true
a) 95% of all children weigh between 12
and 18 Kg b) 95% of all children weigh
between 13.5 and 16.5 Kg c) 99% of all children weigh between 12 and
18 Kg d) 99% of all children weigh
between 13.5 and 16.5 Kg.
Ans (a)
187) Malaria incidence in a village in the
year 2000 is 430, 500, 410, 160, 270, 210, 300, 350, 4000, 430, 480, 540. Which
of the following is the best indicator for assessment of malaria incidence in
that village by the epidemiologist?
a) Arithmetic mean b) Geometric mean c) Median
d) Mode
Ans (a)
188) In which of the following are
granulomas not seen
a) Wegeners Granulomatosis b) Giant cell arteritis c) Microscopic polyangiiitis d) Chrug-Strauss vasculitis
Ans (a)
1. A 52 yo AA hypertensive, diabetic, hypercholesterolemic man awakens and
can not express himself. His entire right side is numb and weak. Neurologic
exam shows a right hemiparesis (face, arm and leg are equal). Hemianesthesia is
present and there is a Broca aphasia. The patient reports mild left temporal headache.
2. A 46 yo caucasian woman develops right sided visual
blurring, "disorientation," and left sided throbbing temporal headache without vomiting. She
then develops right hand and facial numbness. Her past history is significant
for hypercholesterolemia, angina treated with percutaneous coronary angioplasty
10 years ago, and she was recently started on Premarin (conjugated estrogens)
for hot flashes. The family history is negative for stroke or migraine.
Neurologic exam reveals a right homonymous
hemianopsia, right hemianesthesia (face and arm are equal, the leg is not as
affected). The blood pressure is 140/90, HR=80. The cardiac, skin, lung exams
are normal. Homan's sign is absent, there are no bruits.
Imaging studies
The total cholesterol is 231 with elevated LDL and
decreased HDL.
During her course the headache resolves with Tylenol and 4 days later the neurologic
exam is normal.
18. A 67 year old hypertensive, diabetic, hypercholesterolemic, obese,
sedentary man with prior history of coronary artery disease, peripheral
vascular disease, and transient ischemic attack develops left facial numbness,
vertigo and gait disequilibrium. This develops four days after an episode of
emotional stress during which he is accused of causing a labor dispute
involving his labor union.
Medications include Metformin (glucophage), Pravachol
(pravastatin), metoprolol, verapamil, a thiazide diuretic, Imdur (isosorbide
mononitrate), and Catapres (clonidine).
The past history is significant for transient
ischemic attack, intermittent claudication and unstable angina.
The physical exam reveals BP 200/110, pulse 80. The
neurologic exam reveals a broad based gait and a left Horner's syndrome. There
is left facial and right body anesthesia, left dysmetria, decreased gag and
palatal reflex, and dysarthria.
24. A 48 year old diabetic hypercholesterolemic woman has multiple transient
right eye visual loss episodes (duration 15 minutes). She described these
"as if a curtain is being pulled down." There are no other
accompanying symptoms. The past history is significant for coronary artery
disease with prior myocardial infarction, peripheral vascular disease with
intermittent claudication, migraine with aura as an adolescent. The ovaries
were removed surgically and she takes estrogen replacement hormones.
Neuro exam shows yellow refractile bodies within the
retinal artery. An outside physician does not alter her treatment or perform
ancillary studies. These episodes persist and one month later she awakens with
a left sided hemiparesis and hemianesthesia.
25. A 68 year old man with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation awakens one day
and notices difficulty seeing on his right side; he has no difficulty with
speech, walking, strength, sensation or coordination or headache.
The blood pressure is 110/80, pulse 80. The
neurologic exam reveals a right homonymous hemianopsia. The heart is
irregularly irregular and without murmurs. CT of the head is unremarkable.
The patient remains stable but a repeat CT three days
later shows a hypodense left occipital lesion without mass effect and dense
gyriform enhancement.
32. A 55 year old man undergoes 5 vessel coronary artery bypass grafting
[CABG] for unstable angina. Prior to surgery he is found to have bilateral
carotid bruits and duplex Doppler ultrasound shows 60% carotid stenosis
belaterally. Brain CT and MRI show "bilateral periventricular
abnormalities consistent with ischemic damage or demyelination." Following
successful CABG, from which he makes a full and complete recovery, he undergoes
bilateral carotid endarterectomy. Following this surgery, neurologic exam is
nomral. He undergoes cardiac rehab and is pronounced fit to return to work in 6
weeks. At home, his wife initially supervises his bill paying, cooking and
driving; she feels he is "okay." Three weeks after his return to work
as a parmacist, he is terminated because he has made multiple
"errors" and the patient has noted problems performing sequential
tasks. His cardiologist evaluates him and on his mental state he has no
abnormality, including 3 objects at 5 minutes, intact serial 7s and serial 3s.
A psychiatric referral is suggested.
35. A 52 year old hypertensive, insulin-dependent diabetic man suddenly
becomes mute and unable to express himself. His wife calls 911 and EMS arrives
10 minutes later. The patient can not express himself and has right hemiaresis
(more in the arm than the leg). Despite the fact that glucose shows that he is
not hypoglycemic, he is given 50 grams of glucose (an ampule of D50). He
arrives at the hospital 20 minutes later. CT shows no abnormality. Recombinant
tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) and he begins to speak and can move his
right arm. Three days later, exam shows normal repetition and comprehension.
Speech is nonfluent with low word output and agrammatical speech which is
poorly articulated and without appropriate melody.
3. A 34 year old attorney wins a two million dollar judgment against a
large HMO on Friday afternoon. After celebrating with champagne at Joe's that
evening he experiences an episode of flashing lights beginning in his right
visual field and moving slowly such that a "scotoma" follows this.
Twenty minutes later the visual distrubance resolves and he develops left sided
throbbing headache which
builds up to maximal intensity over 3 hours. Activity makes the headache worse. He feels better
lying down in a dark room. The past history is significant only for motion
sickness as a child. His mother has hypertension and migraine headache. The neurologic exam is
normal in the emergency room.
6. A 25 year old electrician falls off a ladder and strikes his head. He is
unconscious for 20 minutes; when he regains consciousness he has amnesia for
the event, but is otherwise normal. He develops a dischage from his nose and
hematoma encircling his eyes. The next day he has a temporal headache and vertigo when he sits
up. He goes to an emergency room, where a skull roentgenogram is normal.
He is afebrile. The neurologic exam reveals mild
recent memory loss, anosmia, an ataxic gait. The neck is supple.
He is discharged from the ED with Antivert
(meclizine) and Fiorinal (aspirin, caffeine and butalbital); two days later his
headache persists and he is
febrile. The neurologic exam is normal except for anosmia.
7. A 35 year old truck driver is involved in an MVA in which he strikes his
head on the steering wheel. He is dazed and has a frontal bruise. He complains
of headache and neck pain.
Two days later, he reports an episode of feeling faint, light-headed and weak
in his legs. He goes to the local Jiffy-Health Center (owned by a well-known
HMO) and while being assessed by a nurse-receptionist he feels dizzy and passes
out. The nurse observes right arm and left leg myoclonic jerks and he urinates
on himself. Immediately after the episode, he is alert.
The neurologic exam is entirely normal except for
accomodative paresis. The remainder of the physical reveals spasm of the
trapezius muscle and
limitation of neck movement laterally; flexion is supple.
30. A 25 year old man falls on a wet surface at Walgreens and lands on his
buttock. He reports pain in the lower back and inability to walk straight, and
demands to be taken to the Tulane ER. After a complete evaluation, he is found
to be "normal" and referred to the neurology clinic. The following
day he reports pain in his low back and entire left sided numbness and
weakness. On neurologic exam
Mental status is
Gait -- dragging
of the left foot, which is held stiffly
Motor --
inability to squeeze examiner's finger or extend the left wrist; inability to
dorsiflex or plantar flex the left foot.
Reflexes are 2+
and symmetrical; plantar flexion to sole stimulation bilaterally
Sensory --
absent pinprick and light touch on left; absent proprioception and vibration at
all joints on the left side
CN -- reduced
heading in the left ear and colors appear less bright in the left eye
16. Where's the lesion?
What is the
What tests
should be done?
Briquet syndrome
Could this
patient have multiple sclerosis?
31. A 7 year old boy falls off a swing and hit his head on a
rock and is knocked unconscious for ten minutes. Upon awakening he is
neurologically intact but does not remember the accident. Several hours later,
he develops a headache,
vomits and develops right sided weakness.
On exam BP 180/110 HR 50, RR 28
21. Mental status -- Lethargic but responsive
Motor -- Right
bilateral plantar extensor response
Cranial nerves
-- left pupil is 8mm and poor reactive to light
Fundi do NOT
show spontaneous venous pulsations.
diffuse axonal
lucid interval
whiplash injury
36. A 42 year old man is evaluated for back pain.
This is an aching pain which radiates to his foot. he is uncomfortable walking
and can not find a comfortable position in bed. He consults his primary care
provider and is treated with pain medication, muscle relaxants and an NSAID. He is no better;
percocet proves ineffective. He reports a tingling sensation over the top of
his right foot and he has tripped on two occasions.
Neuro exam shows
9. absent right ankle jerk
weaknes of
dorsiflexion and plantar flexion
pinprick over the toop of the foot
Loss of lumbar
paraspinal muscle spasm in the lumbar region
(+) Straight leg
raise at 30 degrees on the right
point tenderness
over five lumbar vertebrae
What structures
are involved?
What are
potention mechanisms?
What diagnostic
studies are indicated?
What are the
clinical features of
[thoracic] myelitis
anterior spinal
artery ischemia
conus medularis
cauda equina
27. "Hurricane" Bill is mugged outside a bar in the
French Quarter. He is unconscious for 15 minutes and has both anterograde and retrograde
amnesia. The neurologic exam is normal except for abnormal olfaction. Ancillary
studies include a skill roentgenogram which shows a linear parietal skull
fraction. CT and MRI are normal.
Six months later he experiences an episode of lost
awareness. This begins with funny sensation in his stomach which then rises to
his chest. He then smells "burning rubber," and his wife states he
has rhythmical blinking. After three minutes he is confused and complains of a
left temporal headache.
A. Has the patient
suffered a concussion or a contusion?
22. A 23 year old injection drug user develops myalgia, fever and bifrontal headache. One week ago he had a 3
day episode of diarrhea, which responded to symptomatic therapy and resolved
On exam BP 140/80 HR 110 temperature 38.4C,
respirations 12. The neck is supple and the skin is without rashes. The muscles are diffusely tender. The
neurologic exam is normal.
WBC=10,000, 60% lymph, 40% PMN. ESR=40, U/A and chest
film are normal.
A resident of a different speciality (and who tends
to start patient descriptions with the phrase "this is the guy")
believes "bacterial meningitis" or subarachnoid hemorrhage are likely
possibilities (he does not consult neurology, a service he regularly belittles)
and wants to ensure a nontraumatic tap. Since he read that the spinal
interspaces are bigger higher up in the cord, he performs the tap at T9-10
instead of L3-4. Following this LP based on RANDO criteria (Resident Ain't
Never Done One) the patient develops these imprairments:
paraplegia with
The ER staff asks you to answer the following
questions so he can brief risk management
A. Explain the
post LP neurologic findings
11. A 35 year old electrician is involved in an MVA where he is struck from
behind. Mild low back pain resolves completely after two days. Four weeks later
he begins to trip frequently, and three days after that he has difficulty
climbing stairs and opening jars.
The neurologic exam reveals
weakness of the
feet, hips, legs, knees and hands.
The physical exam is otherwise normal.
Impairment of which structures explains these
What diagnostic
tests should be done?
17. A 30 year old hockey player is checked into the boards hard by the
Flyers' Eric Lindros, striking his head and back, and briefly losing
consciousness. (The rabid Philadelphia crowd goes wild.) He complains of
occipital pain which is mild but also severe mid-thoracic back pain. Team
physicians send him to the ER for observation. The following day the occipital
pain is gone but the back pain persists and he reports a band of numbness on
the left chest region extending to his back. He experiences difficulty
Neurologic exam reveals mild weakness in both legs;
the arms are normal. Reflexes at the ankle,knee and abdominals are present but
depressed, and there are plantar responses bilaterally. There is decreased
perception of pinprick from the umbilicus downward, and there is a band of
decreased seneation on the left mid thoracic and back region. There is a
reduced anal wink.
What was the
mechanism of the initial injury?
4. A 70 year old judge notes deterioration in his handwriting such that
clerks can not read it. (See sample.) He also has difficulty cutting his food
and bringing a cup to his mouth. He jokes that has always been shaky and that
this runs in his family.
Neurologic exam reveals normal gait and station.
There is a motor sustention and intention arm tremor; mild tremor of his voice
but no rigidity or bradykinesia; Myerson's sign (-). A drawing of Archimedes
spiral is presented.
What is the
differential diagnosis?
15. A 15 year old adolescent is described as being "nervous and
fidgety" (more than appropriate for age, all things considered). His
performance in school and his behavior become bizarre. Past history is
significant for viral hepatitis 2 years ago and unexplained hemolytic anemia 4
years ago. Both his parents are diagnosed with schizophrenia.
On exam he is inattentive with motor restlestness.
The gait is broad based with impaired postural reflexes. Motor exam reveals
cogwheel rigidity and intentional tremor. Finger-to-nose and heel-to-shin
testing are impaired. The cranial nerves and fundi are normal. The physical
exam reveals hepatosplenomegaly; the skin is normal.
What are the
diagnositic possibilities?
16. A 70 year old physician is brought to a neurologist by his family
because of "failing memory." He forgets to pay his bills, has lost
his house keys and gotten lost while driving. Recently, three patients have
initiated malpractice claims due to his failure to diagnose their condition
correctly. He has become depressed and recently locked himself in the bathrom.
He appears to move slowly and has suffered multiple recent falls.
Neurologic exam reveals a Mini-Mental Status Exam of
19/30. The gait is slow and he has difficulty initiating movement. Postural
stability is impaired. Strength is normal and coordinated movements are slow.
There is bilateral cogwheel rigidity but no tremor.
Gaze both up and down is impaired. Myerson's sign is
present (+) and there is neck rigidity.
neurological impairments does this patient suffer from?
20.A 40 year old injection drug user,
while walking down the street minding his own business, is shot in the left
orbit and the bullet damages the left frontal brain region. He undergoes
bifrontal craniotomy for bullet removal and brain debridement. Following
surgery, he is alert and attentive with no aphasia or memory impairment. He has
no motor coordination, gait, hearing or visual disturbance (other than left eye
blindness). He makes an uneventful recovery but his wife calls the neurosurgeon
very upset. He refuses to return to work or pay any bills, goes to bars and Harrah's
Casino and loses large sums of money, refuses to go to church and sexually
abuses a 6 year old girl and is arrested for indecent exposure.
Assuming this behavior is a dramatic step down from
his life injecting drugs
Explain the
possible mechanism of this behavior which his wife says is a dramatic change
19. A 25 year old pregnant woman goes into active labor. She has a
generalized seizure due to eclampsia. She is treated with fosphenytoin and
magnesium sulfate and has no further seizures. During labor she receives
generous amounts of fluid due to possible dehydration. Four hours later she is
delivers a healthy baby girl by spontaneous vaginal delivery. In the recovery
room she complains of generalized weakness which progressively worsens.
Examination shows both proximal and distal weakness in her arms and legs,
normal sensation and absent reflexes, normal cranial nerves. Over the next 24
hours this weakness progresses to quadriplegia with respiratory disturbances.
What are
potential mechanisms of the quadriplegia?
21. An 18 year old man (HM) had a fall from his bicycle at age 6 and struck
his head. He was unconscious for several hours. Skull roentgenogram showed a
left parietal linear skull fracture. Six months later he had "staring
spells" preceded by olfactory aura. Three months later he had generalized
seizure. Despite treatment with multiple medications seizures occur on a daily
basis. EEG shows bitemporal slow wave activity and right temporal spikes. MRI
shows right temporal lobe atrophy. He undergoes right temporal lobectomy for
seizure control. Following surgery he has no further seizures, but reports a
problem with his memory. When the patient has breakfast he can not remember
eating 15 minutes later. He talks to the examiner, but cannot remember the
conversation 20 minutes later. His memory is generally impaired for recent but
not remote events.
What has
12. A 25 year old woman slips and falls in a shopping mall on a soap sample
outside the Body Shop. She complains of low back pain which does not radiate
down her legs. (Also, the soap smells terrible.) She calls her physician who
calls in a prescription for an NSAID and a muscle relaxant. Five days later she continues to
have severe pain and demands to see a neurologist.
Neurologic exam reveals a broad based gait with
difficulty standing on her heels. Romberg's sign is present. There is weakness
of dorsiflexion and evertion of the feet. There is decreased vibration and
position sense in the legs. Reflexes are absent in the ankles. The cranial
nerves are normal. The general exam reveals high arched feet (of which the
patient has always been proud), and hammer toes and pes cavus deformity (of
which she has not), paraspinal muscle
spasm, sciatic notch tenderness. MRI of the lumbar spine shows L4-5 and L5-S1
disc protrusion.
What is the
relationship of the fall to the neurologic findings?
23. A 37 year old man develops polydipsia and polyuria. Lab studies confirm
the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus and treatment with oral hypoglycemic agents
is started. Two months later he complains of an uncomfortable burning sensation
in the soles of his feet, worse at night and not present when he walks. The
neurologic exam reveals absent vibratory sense in the toes and reduced at the
ankles, reduced pinprick and temperature sensation in the feet, absent ankle
reflexes, and absent response to stimulation of the sole and a normal motor
These clinical
findings are best explained by what abnormality?
28. An 18 year old has been weak since childhod, has never been able to walk
normally and has been convined to a wheelchair for 2 years.As a child he could
not run or climb stairs or arise from a chair without using his hands to push
off. A maternal uncle died at age 20 of progressive neurological illness, but
the parents are normal. He has no siblings.
The neurologic exam reveals scoliosis, winging of the
scapula, flexion contractures of the ankles, knees and hips. There is marked muscle weakness in the arms and
legs (proximal greater than distal) and marked wasted, except for the calves,
where bulk is preserved. Reflexes are present only in the ankles and triceps.
The cranial nerves are normal.
CPK=3,000. EMG reveals myopathic potentials. Nerve
conduction velocities are normal. A muscle
biopsy reveals muscle
atrophy with fat and conective tissue replacing muscle; dystrophin is shown to be absent by special
What type of
myopathy does the patient have?
29. Harriet is an 18 year college freshman who develops abdominal pain and
vomiting followed by diarrhea the next day, and a dry mouth. One day later she
develops droopy eyelids, diplopia and difficulty standing and difficulty
lifting heavy objects.
The neurologic exam reveals ptosis, bilateral facial
weakness, pupils are 5mm and poorly reactive, reflexes are absent, and proximal
greater then distal weakness. The sensory exam is normal. A chest film reveals
a left lower lobe pneumonia; an abdominal film reveals colonic distention.
What neuro
impairments might cause these findings?
10. A 33 year old woman complains of blurred vision in her left eye and pain
in the left orbital region (as if she had sand in her eye) especially when she
moves her eyes. She has no headache,
double vision, facial parasthesieas, or numbness. She has recently felt
fatigued enough that she has started working part-time rather than full-time,
has had multiple urinary tract infections and urinary frequency with nocturia.
She complains that her legs become stiff when she walks long distances.
Visual acuity in the left eye is 20/70, in the right
eye 20/20. The fundi are normal. There is a left centro-cecal scotoma. The left
pupil does not react when light is shone into it; when light is shone into the
right pupil both pupils contract, and when you swing the light in front of the
left it dilates (afferent pupillary defect). The patient is generally
hyperreflexic with plantar responses. Abdominal reflexes are intact and
present; sensory and cerebellar exam are normal.
Where's the
5. A 50 year old alcoholic stops drinking due to severe abdominal pain.
That day he has a generalized seizure and is admitted to the hospital. He is
confused, ataxic and reports double vision. His T-shirt reads "Rehab is
for Quitters." Treatment with Ativan (lorazepam), Librium
(chlordiazepoxide) and phenobarbital is instituted. He becomes increasingly
lethargic and then obtunded.
The physical exam reveals icteric sclerae, multiple
spider angiomas and an enlarged and tender liver. The neurologic exam reveals a
lethargic mental status. There is *asterixis* no pronator drift and normal
strength. He is generally hyperreflexic with bilateral extensor plantar
responses. The sensory exam is normal. Cranial nerve exam reveals horizontal
and vertical nystagmus and a left lateral rectus palsy. The fundi are normal.
Pertinent laboratory data (from the chem everything
sent by the ER) includes an elevated bilirubin and alkaline phosphatase, a
normal blood glucose, WBC 6000 and Hgb 12.1.
Based on the clinical history and exam findings:
Explain the
mechanism of the neurological and medical disorder.
13. A 22 year old man whose roommate has recently died of AIDS becomes very
depresed and suicidal. He injects himself with a blood of another HIV(+) friend
so that they can "bond." Four weeks later he develops sore throat,
fever, arthralgias and lymph node swellings. He then develops facial weakness,
neck muscle weakness and
shoulder weakness.
The neurologic exam reveals weakness of the entire
face bilaterally, neck and proximal arm weakness, absent biceps and triceps
reflexes. The CSF is acellular and has an elevated protein. Nerve conduction
velocities are markedly slowed and electromyography shows normal muscle potentials.
What has
happened to this patient?
After complete recovery he reports that his memory is
poor and his thinking is slowed. He can not concentrate or sustain attention.
He has difficulty sleeping and poor appetite. Neurologic exam reveals a Mini
Mental Status Exam score of 27/30, but is otherwise normal.
What is wrong
with this patient?
14. A 28 year old male with polysubstance abuse (cocaine, heroin, PCP)
develops headache and muscle pain. He reports night
sweats and loss of appetite due to difficulty swallowing. Two days later he
reports back, abdominal and jaw stiffness. The past history is relevant for
bacterial endocarditis treated with IV antibiotics 3 years ago and chronic
schizophrenia treated with stelazine, haloperidol and clozapine, but the
patient is usually non-compliant with these medications.
BP 200/100, HR 120, RR 22, temp 101. The neurologic
exam reveals an alert, attentive man. His gait is stiff and antalgesic. Truncal
rigidity is present but motor strength is normal. The reflexes are brisk and
symmetrical, with bilateral plantar responses. Sensation is normal. The cranial
nerves reveals orofacial dyskinesias with facial and jaw spasms and nuchal
rigidity. There are multiple wounds. Laboratory studies reveals WBC 18,000 with
a left shift, normal thyroid studies, CPK 2000, urine negative for myoglobin. A
CT done by the ER is normal, and an LP done in the ER on RANDO criteria
(Resident Ain't Never Done One) is normal as well. ECG reveals sinus
tachycardia only. An EEG is normal.
The ER initially consults psychiatry for effect of
antipsychotics, but he goes to medicine to be "medically cleared."
Neurology is consulted when the patient becomes confused and develops
generalized myoclonic jerks (described to you as seizure activity by the
medicine resident). Respiratory stridor develops, the blood pressure rises to
220/130 and cardiac arrythmias develop.
What is the
differential, and what is the diagnosis?
8. A 26 year old obese woman develops headache, double vision and a discharge from her left breast.
Her last menstrual cycle occurred one year ago. She feels tired all the time
and reports that her hair is falling out. The neurologic exam reveals a left
lateral rectus paresis, decreased sensation on the left side of the uper face.
The visual fields are full and the fundi are normal with spontaneous venous
pulsations. The pupils are equal in size and react normally to accomodation and
Where's the
9. Six months following trans-sphenoidal hypophysectomy for a
prolactin-secreting macroadenoma, headache
and double vision recur. The headache
is bi-frontal, episodic, increases with cough or sneezing and awakens her from
sleep. Diplopia is horizontal and is maximal on far gaze. Neurologic exam now
reveals a right lateral rectus paresis; the fundi are without spontaneous
venous pulsations and there is blurring of the disc margins with centrally
located hemorrhages and exudates. Visual acuity is 20/50 in the left eye with
reduced perception of color in the left eye; the right eye is normal.
What is the most
likely explanation?
26. A 32 year old woman has difficulty understanding what people are saying
in telephone conversations and in noisy crowded rooms. This is a major problem
when she holds the phone to the right ear. She also notes intermittent slurring
of speech and right facial numbness. The neurologic exam reveals decreased
hearing in the right ear, mild right nasolabial flattening, an unsteady tandem
gait, a decreased corneal reflex on the right. Using a 512Hz tuning fork,
hearing is depressed on the right and air conduction persists when bone
conduction terminates. Audiology reveals a high frequency loss on the right and
impaired speech discrimination, and decreased brain stem auditory evoked
potential on the right. Response to caloric testing on the right is decreased.
What conditions
should be considered?
37. A 52 year old legal secretary complains of right wrist pain. This is
worse with activity and recurs at night. She has difficulty writing and using
tools, and says she can not work due to tingling numbness in the fingers. Neurologic
exam shows:
weakness of
thumb flexion
neurological condition explains the findings?
While driving to work she is struck by the car behind
her. Her head hits the steering wheel. The next day she has neck stiffness and
soreness. Physical exam shows:
Neck exam shows
straightening of the cervical
lordosis and cervical
paraspinal muscle spasm
38. A 10 year old boy falls on the ice and breaks his left radius and ulna.
He is treated with a cast for 6 weeks. Following removal of the cast, he
reports difficulty opening jars and cans.
Neurologic exam shows
weakness of
wrist flexion and finger adduction
39. A 40 year old homeless alcoholic sleeps on a park bench. When he awakens
he has no use of his right hand. He has no headache, visual symptoms, numbness or difficulty
Neurologic exam shows:
weakness of
wrist extension
40. An 18 year old Tulane co-ed leaves for Florida by car on spring break.
One week previously she started on an oral contraceptive pill. While sleeping
in the back seat her friends report that she has frequent muscle jerks. In Florida she has
generalized seizure activity after drinking a six pack of Miller Lite, and is
dazed and confused for the next two hours.
On physical exam
temp 98.4F, BP
110/80, HR 70 and RR a suspiciously normal 20
Lab data
WBC 10, 75%
segs, 15% bands, 10% lymphs
41. The student from the previous question refuses to take any
anti-epileptic drug. She has no futher seizures until the day of last final
exam, which occurs after she stays up all night with the help of No-Doz,
Ritalin (given to her by a friend diagnosed with ADHD) and lots of coffee.
Physical and neurologic exams are normal.
She is started on carbamazepine (Tegretol), 200 mg
TID. She compliant with treatment and therapeutic blood levels. Eight months
later she has an episode during which she feels dizzy, light headed, weak,
falls to the ground and is briefly unconscious; there is no post-ictal
What is the
likely mechanism?
33. An 18 year old college freshman is found apneic and pulseless in her
boyfriend's room after attending a fraternity party after the Tulane-LSU
football game. CPR is initiated by her boyfriend; pulse and blood pressure are
noted when paramedics arrive but she requires assisted ventilation. She is
Exam reveals
The next day respirations are spontaneous, pupils are
reactive but she remains comatose. One week later her eyes are open but she
shows no response to verbal stimulus. Eyes rove spontaneously but she does not
follow objects in her environment and she has no reponse to auditory stimulus.
She has limb movement to noxious stimulus but no voluntary movements; she
continues to require ventilatory support. CT and MRI are normal, EEG shows low
voltage theta waves.
What happened to
34. A 35 year old supervisor of a nuclear energy plant begins to have
episodes of falling asleep on the job. These occur at work and while driving.
(Feel free to hum the theme from 'the Simpsons' now.) He has multiple near miss
accidents and begins to ahve his friends drive him. After the episodes of
excessive daytime sleepiness (each lasting 5 to 10 minutes)he feels better,
more alert and refreshed. He is very concerned because these attacks are
increasing in frequency and now occur multiple times daily. Also, he reports
that when he laughts he feels weak an doccasionally falls to the ground. Family
history is relevant that his mother and brother have epilepsy. Neurologic exam
is normal.
What's the
42. A 28 year old man slips and falls on his buttock. He complains of low
back pain which persists despite bed rest and treatment with naproxen (an
NSAID), carisoprodol (Soma, a muscle
relaxant), and tramadol (Ultram, a serotonergic pain reliever).
Physical exam
Normal lumbar
The pain persist and interferes with sleep.
Amitriptyline is started in addition to other medications. One week later he
has a generalized seizure. At this time, neurologic exam and EEG are normal.
What is the
likely mechanism of the seizure?
43. Sally is a 35 year old woman who has a history of sinus headache. She has strongly
positive family history of headache.
She had motion sickness as a child. At menarche, she develops episodic left
temporal throbbing headache
associated with nausea, photophobia and worsened by activity. Her headache responds to sumatriptan
and occurs once per month. One decade later, she develops chronic daily
heacache which is aching in type, associated with neck pain. She becomes
increasingly depressed and anxious.
One night after 6 days of headache severe enough cause her to miss work, she
goes to the ER with her bag of 23 different medications including hydromorphone
(Dilaudid) and codeine/aspirin (Percodan) for a second opinion (yours).
Classify her headache pattern.
44. A 20 year old college student has an accident when an ice sculpture
strikes her in the left frontal region. She has no loss of consciousness or
amnesia for the event. She has mild headache
and heck pain which resolves spontaneously. Three months later she has an
episode of right facial twitching followed by generalized tonic-clonic
activity, incontinence and post-ictal confusion.
Neurologic exam shows
a R pronator
45. There's a 25 year old nurse in the ER nobody likes very much. We'll call
her Mary. (Actually, everybody calls her 'that bitch,' but we'll be nice and
call her Mary too.) One day she develops a severe occipital headache after an altercation
with a colleague. The pain is intense and very uncomfortable, and after trying
Aspirin and Tylenol without relief she goes to you for help. She has no prior headache history, and no history
of headache in her family.
The neurologic exam is normal, as is a computed
tomogram of the head.
What is the
diffential diagnosis?
46. Randy is HIV positive and takes highly active anti-retroviral therapy.
He has a normal CD4 count and an undetectable viral load. He has no fatigue or
weight loss. He reports new onset heacache, bitemporally, throbbing in nature,
building up over 6 hours and ssociated with nausea.
On exam
Neurologic exam
is normal
What is the explanation for these findings?
What are
alternative explanations?
47. Sam is a 67 year old retired CPA. He develops left temporal aching pain
and visual blurring. He has myalgias and pain on chewing food.
Neurologic exam shows
left temporal
artery tenderness
48. Immediately following delivery of her third child, Mary develops severe headache, diplopia and left eye
On exam
BP 95/50, taken
by you with a manual cuff and HR 110
49. harry is a 52 year old math teacher. He has hypertension and hypercholesteremia.
Medications include Accupril (an ACE inhibitor) and pravastatin (Pravachol).
One morning he awakens with L eye visual blurring as if a shade has been pulled
down; he closes the L eye and his vision is normal in about 15 minutes. He then
develops left sided aching neck pain which resolves with over-the-counter
analgesics. He calls his physician, who makes a diagnosis of "ocular
migraine" over the phone and tells him to make a routine appointment in 10
days for a checkup. His wife is not pleased with this advice and insists he see
a neurologist (i.e. you).
On exam
carotid bruits
50. A 23 year old woman develops episodic headache lasting 30 minutes associated with diplopia
on far gaze while driving. She has 6 episodes daily and they do not respond to
medication. Other medications include tetracyclinc and tri-orthocycline for
acne. She has gained 40 pounds in the past year.
Neurologic exam shows
absence of
venous pulsations and disc elevation in the eye
51. An 8 year old boy develops intermittent headache and falls when running. He has intermittent
horizontal diplopia when watching TV.
Neurologic exam shows
broad based
ataxic gait, falling to left
1a. A 26 year old female graduate student was conducting a philosophy
seminar when she suddenly started stuttering and then became incoherent. She
seemed confused, and her mouth was twisted. One arm hung limply and she walked
unsteadily. She had a past history of theumatic heart disease and took no meds
except for birth control pills.
What type of
neurologic problem is this?
2a. A 68 year white female presents complaining of inability to walk. Upon
further questioning you find that this has progressed over a month or two and
is not associated with back pain. On exam she is slightly inattentive and
sometiems inappropriate. Language is intact. She has no cranail nerve deficits,
and good strength in the upper extremities. Her legs are diffusely weak, 3-4 of
5, proximally and distally. Sensory exam reveals questionable mild loss of
light touch and pinprick distally over the legs, without a level. Reflexes are
brisk in the legs and a Babinski sign is present bilaterally.
Where's the
3a. A 55 year old black female with a history of diabetes and hypertension
states that while drinking her morning coffee she suddenly experienced
"heviness" of the right arm. She fumbled with her cup until she
spilled the coffee, and when the symptoms did not resolve within half an hour
she came to the ER. Examination reveals an alert woman with normal mental
status, and decreased light touch, pinprick, vibratory sense over the right arm
and leg. Strength is normal.
Where's the
4a. While working out at Reily uptown with free weights, your friend
complains of sudden back pain and inability to walk. Your exam shows bilateral
leg weakness, absent ankle reflexes (assume you have a reflex hammer in your
gym bag), and decreased tone in the legs. He feels parasthesias running down
the back of both legs, and doesn't notice you sticking his skin with a clean
pin until the mid-thigh. Pressure on the lumbar spine is painful, and there is
paralumbar muscle spasm.
What happened?
5a. A 35 year old black male is seen in clinic with a 3 month history of
weakness and muscle cramps,
first felt in the left arm but progressing to both legs. His voice is not as
loud as it used to be, and is a little horse. Sometimes food gets
"stuck" on one side of his mouth and he has to move it with his
finger. He has no sensory loss. Reflexes are brisk, including a jaw jerk. The
toes are equivocal. Fasciculations are present in the tongue at rest, and in
all four proximal extremities. He is lost to follow up, but returns a year
later complaining of trouble swallowing, shortness of breath and appears
Where's the
6a. A 62 year old woman complains of painand numbness of the hand. She has
been dropping objects from the hand, but the discomfort is worse at night.
What further
history would help you localize the lesion?
On examination you also find a loss of pinprick at
the toes, and vibrations with a 128 Hz fork are felt for 10-5 seconds at the
What do you
suspect now?
7a. A 26 year old woman is referred to you by her psychiatrist. For the last
year she has complained of weakness which came on after the death of her
father. The weakness seems to come and go depending on her family situation and
her depression. She also complains of a vague tightness of throat (?globus
hystericus), leg aching and frequent headaches.
Sometimes she is fine, and other times she just lays on the couch, or will
suddenly fall walking off a curb. She admits she doesn't know how to "pull
herself out of this."
How will you
8a. A 30 year old white female has difficulty climbing stairs. She cannot
lift objects but has no problems writing or buttoning her shirt. Her gait is
waddling. She has been followed for 8 months in rheumatology clinic for
"arthritis" not otherwise specified, and a visit to the walk-in
clinic prompted her appointment with neurology. The joints seem normal to your
exam, but the thigh muscles
are tender to palpation?
Where's the
9a. A 28 year old white female complains of headaches for one year, recently daily. They are
often throbbing, usually bitemporal and do not usually cause too much nausea,
although she has vomited once or twice. She also says her vision has changed,
but she went to get her glasses checked and was told they were fine. Other
pertinent history is obtained that she had a child 9 months ago and gained 80
pounds during the pregnancy, of which she has lost 30.
On physical exam, she is obese. Vital signs are
normal. Funduscopic exam shows bilateral disc margin blurring with a flame
hemorrhage on the right. Pupils are equally reactive, and visual fields are
full to confrontation. There is a question of mild lateral rectus weakness on
the right. The remainer of the cranial nerve exam is normal, as is stength,
sensation and reflexes, and gait.
CT of the head is normal, as is an EEG. On lumbar
puncture, the opening pressure is 41 cm H20.
What is this