Biol 345 & 345L


Below is a list of brain structures you need to learn for lecture and be able to identify in lab.



Cerebral Hemisphere – medial view

1.Gyrus rectus

2.Superior frontal gyrus

3.Cingulate gyrus

4.Cingulate sulcus

5.Paracentral sulcus

6.Central sulcus


8.Lingual gyrus


Inferior view

1.Frontal pole

2.Temporal pole

3.Olfactory tract & sulcus

4.Orbital gyri

5.Gyrus rectus

6.Inferior temporal sulcus

7.Inferior temporal gyrus

8.Occipitotemporal sulcus

9.Fusiform gyrus

10.Collateral sulcus

11.Lingual gyrus


13.Calcarine sulcus


Superior view

1.Central sulcus

2.Precentral gyrus

3.Postcentral gyrus

4.Precentral sulcus

5.Postcentral sulcus

6.Middle frontal gyrus

7.Superior frontal gyrus

8.Superior parietal lobule

9.Occipital gyri

10.Longitudinal fissure




1.Anterior horn of lateral ventricle

2.Body of lateral ventricle

3.Posterior horn of lateral ventricle

4.Inferior horn of lateral ventricle

5.Third ventricle

6.Fourth ventricle


Ventricles – lateral view

1.Anterior horn of lateral ventricle

2.Body of lateral ventricle

3.Posterior horn of lateral ventricle

4.Inferior horn of lateral ventricle

5.Third ventricle

6.Fourth ventricle

7.Interventricular foramen

8.Cerebral aqueduct


Sagital section of hemisphere

1.Rostrum of corpus callosum

2.Genu of corpus callosum

3.Body of corpus callosum

4.Splenium of corpus callosum

5.Septum pellucidum

6.Anterior commissure



9.Cingulate gyrus

10.Paraterminal gyrus


Basal Ganglion – transverse section


2.Caudate nucleus

3.Globus pallidus




Hippocampus – section

The hippocampus consists of the complex interfolded layers of the dentate gyrus

(1)   and cornu ammonis (2). Their three layered cortex is continuousbelow with the subiculum (3) which has four, five then six layers as it merges with the parahippocampal gyrus (4).


Interpeduncular fossa

1.Optic nerve

2.Optic chiasma

3.Optic tract

4.Tuber cinereum

5.Mamillary bodies

6.Anterior perforated substance

7.Olfactory trigone




dissection of visual pathway – inferior view

1.Optic nerve

                                                                        2.Optic chiasma

                                                                        3.Optic tract

                                                                        4.Lateral geniculate body

                                                                        5.Medial geniculate body

                                                                        6.Optic radiation

                                                                        7.Calcarine cortex

                                                                        8.Lentiform nucleus

                                                                        9.Caudate nucleus

                                                                       10.Interpeduncular fossa

                                                                       11.Cerebral aqueduct


Thalamus & hindbrain





                                                                        5.Interthalamic adhesion

                                                                        6.Anterior commissure

                                                                        7.Optic chiasma

                                                                        8.Mamillary body

                                                                        9.Pineal body

                                                                       10.Tectum of midbrain

                                                                       11.Lamina terminalis

                                                                       12.Interventricular foramen


Brain – sagittal section

1.Cerebral hemisphere

                                                                         2.Corpus callosum





                                                                         7.Medulla oblongata

Brain – sagittal view

1.Pineal gland

                                                                          2.Superior colliculi

                                                                          3.Inferior colliculi

                                                                          4.Cerebral aqueduct



                                                                          7.Fourth ventricle



Brain – anterior view of an oblique coronal section

1.Cerebral hemisphere

                                                                         2.Lateral ventricle

                                                                         3.Third ventricle

                                                                         4.Substantia nigra


                                                                         6.Medulla oblongata





Upper midbrain

1.Cerebral peduncle

                                                                         2.Crus cerebri

                                                                         3.Substantia nigra




Brainstem – inferior view

1.Optic chiasma

                                                                     2.Posterior perforated


                                                                     3.Oculomotor nerve

                                                                     4.Trochlear nerve


                                                                     6.Crus cerebri

                                                                     7.Motor root of trigeminal


                                                                     8.Sensory root of trigeminal



Midbrain – posterior view

1.Pineal gland

                                                                     2.Superior colliculus

                                                                     3.Inferior colliculus

                                                                     4.Trochlear nerve

                                                                     5.Fourth ventricle

                                                                     6.Pulvinar of thalamus

                                                                     7.Superior cerebellar peduncle


Pons & cerebellum – medial view




                                                                      4.Medulla oblongata

                                                                      5.Inferior colliculus

                                                                      6.Superior medullary velum

                                                                      7.Fourth ventricle


Pons & medulla – anterior view

1.Sensory root of trigeminal



                                                                     3.Vestibulocochlear nerve

                                                                     4.Facial nerve

                                                                     5.Abducent nerve

                                                                     6.Medulla oblongata

                                                                     7.Motor root of trigeminal


                                                                     8.Basilar sulcus


Medulla – anterior view

1.Anterior median fissure





Medulla – section

1.Inferior cerebellar peduncle

                                                                     2.Floor of fourth ventricle

                                                                     3.Hypoglossal nucleus

                                                                     4.Medial longitudinal


                                                                     5.Reticular formation

                                                                     6.Medial lemniscus

                                                                     7.Arcuate nuclei

                                                                     8.Inferior olivary nucleus



Medulla – cranial nerves

1.Glossopharyngeal nerve

                                                                      2.Vagus nerve

                                                                      3.Hypoglossal nerve

                                                                      4.Accessory nerve

                                                                      5.First cervical spinal nerve

                                                                      6.Spinal root of accessory nerve


Brain – cranial nerve nuclei



                                                                     3.Salivatory nucleus

                                                                     4.Nucleus ambiguus

                                                                     5.Hypoglossal nucleus

                                                                     6.Dorsal vagal nucleus

                                                                     7.Nucleus of tractus solitarius

                                                                     8.Spinal nucleus of accessory



Brain – blood supply

1.Anterior cerebral artery

                                                                     2.Anterior communicating


                                                                     3.Internal carotid artery

                                                                     4.Posterior communicating


                                                                     5.Middle cerebral artery

                                                                     6.Posterior cerebral artery

                                                                     7.Superior cerebellar artery

                                                                     8.Basilar artery

                                                                     9.Anterior inferior cerebellar



Visual pathway – inferior view

1.Optic nerve

                                                                     2.Optic chiasma

                                                                     3.Optic tract

                                                                     4.Lateral geniculate body

                                                                     5.Optic radiation

                                                                     6.Visual cortex

                                                                     7.Superior colliculus of the



                                                                     9.Long association bundle -

                                                                        inferior occipitofrontal


                                                                    10.Pulvinar of the thalamus

                                                                    11.Calcarine fissure

                                                                    12.Posteroinferior horn of the

                                                                        lateral ventricle


The substantia nigra lies in the midbrain immediately dorsal to the cerebral peduncles. This nucleus is an

                important motor center that will be discussed at greater length later in the course. Right now you need to

                know that some of the cells project to the caudate and putamen, two nuclei of the basal ganglia that together

                comprise what is called the STRIATUM. These NIGROSTRIATAL cells utilize the neurotransmitter



Point 22. Red Nucleus (the "Ruber")


                The red nucleus is a prominent structure within the rostral midbrain and lies just dorsal to the

                substantia nigra. It appears to have a high iron content and is more vascular than the surrounding

                tissue, and in some brains is pinkish. Very little is known about the function(s) of the red nucleus in

                humans. Inputs to the ruber arise from motor areas of the brain and in particular the deep cerebellar

                nuclei (via superior cerebellar peduncle; crossed projection) and the motor cortex (corticorubral;

                ipsilateral projection).


Point 23. Superior Colliculus



                The superior colliculi form the rostral two bumps (one on each side) on the dorsal aspect of the midbrain. The

                caudal two bumps are the inferior colliculi and together they (inferior and superior colliculi) comprise the

                TECTUM or roof of the midbrain. In contrast to the inferior colliculus, which is an AUDITORY structure, the

                superior colliculus is usually described as a VISUAL reflex center. It is a highly laminated (layered). The top or

                dorsal-most three layers receive visual information primarily from two sources, i.e., the retina (retinocollicular) and

                the visual cortex (area 17; corticotectal). In contrast to the exclusively visual nature of the superficial layers, the

                intermediate and deep layers receive projections from many functionally different areas of the brain. These inputs

                are both "motor" and "sensory". Since the latter category includes visual, auditory and somatosensory inputs, you

                can see that the superior colliculus is not exclusively related to visual function. Instead, it plays a role in helping

                orient the head and eyes to all types of sensory stimuli.